“That’s notspeechifying, that’s yelling, kicking ass, or ordering people to kick otherpeople’s asses.”
“Then just yell atthem. This is a Valkyrie slash Conflict Demon baby shower, each side will justassume it’s a tradition belonging to the other culture. Make it up as you go,and dare anyone with that gorgeous death look of yours to call you out. Yeah,that death look.”
“If any speechesare required, then you’re the one as… Master of Ceremonies, that will be givingit.”
“I…” For somereason Kaleb hadn’t thought that far ahead. Vaguely assuming he’d hang out inthe kitchen until the proceedings were over. Maybe steal some hors d’oeuvresfrom the caterer. Help the medical team on standby if… when blood was spilt. “Ithink it would mean more to Stephanie coming from you.”
“Hold on, did youreally think I would be the one managing those party games I’ve heard you andthe planner discussing? Nope, you’ll be there front and centre. Besides, itwill give you time to mend fences with Galen.”
He and Galen wentway back to playing in the lava pits together when they were tiny imps. They’dalways had each other’s backs, until Galen had secretly manoeuvred Kaleb ontothe throne, literally dumping a mess of epic political annoyance in to his lap.
Hold on, lightbulb moment. Suddenly he had a cunning idea. His ten day deadline could bemoved up a day, and by doing so he could score a little payback in the processby dragging Galen into the proceedings. Give his backstabbing best friend abrief glimpse of the misery Kaleb had been forced to endure for the last year.
More importantly,it would provide Kaleb with one final free contractually binding day to securea place in Shaw’s heart. He was an impatient Demon. Yes, it would be lovelyonce she finished quaffing ale, and wiping away the moustache of froth on herupper lip, if Shaw looked his way, and abruptly declared Kaleb belonged to her.
But he had to berealistic here. Valkyries were stubborn. Gulp, this campaign could take years,decades even. Yet he was resolute, determined to win her heart and herclaiming. Kaleb would spend this enforced contractually obligated quality timewith Shaw getting to know her, and in turn utilise that knowledge. When theirten day agreement was finally up, he could only hope and pray that he wouldhave earned a small measure of her tolerance. Aiming big, he knew. But he was aDemon in love. With no experience whatsoever of the emotion. He had no choicebut to keep moving forward, and inch by inch, hopefully win Shaw’s heart, andthe claiming would follow.
All the ConflictDemon romance movies certainly played that way.
“Fine, I’ll takecare of the games and the speeches. Now what do we have left to accomplish onStephanie’s to-do list?”
Dragging thecrumpled bit of paper from her pocket, Shaw unfolded it, doing her best tosmooth a few wrinkles out. “We still need to meet with the new butcher. Whatare your contacts saying in regards to where we can find the gnome?”
Scrolling throughhis latest messages Kaleb could only shrug. “No sightings so far. But somegambling dens are located deep underground, or in Pocket Realms with spottycoverage. I’m sure eventually someone will come across her and let me know. Isthere a reason she would be dodging this meeting?”
“Not as far as Iknow. Her company literally just won the contract. We checked them out morethoroughly than an autopsy. They are completely legit. All that is outstandingis one final signature.”
“Okay, moving on,what else have you got?”
Good question,what else was there? Shaw perused the list, a gratifying number of items with abig tick beside them and now crossed out. Which just left… new Department Headsto be assigned? Shaw doubted Kaleb could help her on that front. FindingValkyries willing to give up the battlefields in order to take on a HQ role wasalmost beyond impossible.
The previous CEOhad just dobbed her best gal pals in. Stephanie though believed in finding theright person for the right role. Shit, and wasn’t that proving a nightmare forthem. A hopeless dream if you asked Shaw.
“What does thatscribble there say?” Kaleb stabbed a finger at some wobbly blue lines that hadbeen added somewhat recently by the look of it.
Frowning, Shawstared at the loopy meaningless swirls. “Um… I don’t know.”
“But isn’t thatyour handwriting?”
“Clearly I was ina hurry.” Let’s see, staring at the two words, trying to make sense of them.
“They’re kind ofnext to the bullet point about organising the baby shower.” Kaleb pointed outhelpfully.
Shaw stabbed herfinger down on top of the two words. “Game prizes! Remember what the Darvynsisters said? About the fact there better be good prizes on the day? It soundedvaguely threatening at the time so I thought I’d better write it down. Well?”
Baffled, Kalebshook his head. “Well, what?”
“What kind ofprizes are they expecting at a baby shower?”
“Why are youasking me? I’ve never attended a baby shower before in all my hell turns.”
“Wait. You’venever attended a shower before? Then how do you know what food to serve? Whatdecorations to hang? What games to play?”
“Please. I knowConflict Demons. And now I know Valkyries. It’s not rocket science to organisea party.”
“Then youshouldn’t have a problem telling me what sort of prizes will make everyonehappy.”
Swigging his ale,Kaleb shrugged. “I could turn that same question back on you. If you attendedan event and there were some… contests, what kind of prize would satisfy you?”Kaleb really didn’t think that would work, but within a split second Shaw’seyes lit up as an idea clearly sparked. “Hey.” He protested as she begansliding out of the booth. “Where are you…” Damn, he chugged down the remainderof his ale and began sliding out of the booth in Shaw’s wake. “Where are wegoing?”