“It’s a surprise,but I think I have the answer to our prizes problem. We just need to hit thePortal and head back to my sister’s warehouse.”
“What is thisplace?”
“It’s Zuri’sde-stress zone.”
Looking around,Kaleb’s attention kept getting caught by all the weird, wonderfully deadlycontents. It was a huge space, located just off the main cavernous centralwarehouse. Probably where all the original management offices had been. ExceptZuri since buying the place had knocked down all the internal walls, creatingone large, spacious… fun zone. That was if you were a Valkyrie.
There were over adozen mannequins located around the room, most sporting daggers or throwingknives protruding from their bodies. The majority missing limbs, along with amultitude of gouges where chunks of plastic or metal had been cut away.
Whilst displayedon the surrounding walls were hundreds of sharp edged weapons in all shapes andsizes. Although perhaps double that number littered the ground or were stuck inthe mannequins. There were no furnishings present other than one long workbenchoff to the side, several tools and discarded weapons strewn across the surface.Two vices clamped to the edge of the workbench, whilst three specialisedspotlights hung directly overhead to create more light.
“So, your sistercomes here when she wants to-”
“Have fun stabbingthe hell out of make believe enemies? Yes. Most of the weapons in here areprototypes she’s discarded for a variety of reasons. Too costly to reproduce.Not deadly enough. Or she’s since come up with a better design. Sometimes Zsees stuff in history books and feels compelled to try and re-create them. Toooften though they end up being too inconvenient to wear into battle or just notcost effective.”
“Okay… cool. Andwe’re here because?”
Striding over tothe workbench Shaw leaned over, rummaging around beneath it, coming up with twowire baskets. A pleased self-satisfied smile gracing her features. Down boy,Kaleb warned his cock. Nonchalant. Cool. Lord Lucifer save him, you’re playinghard to get, remember? Taking one of the baskets that Shaw passed over to him.
“Game prizes. Isuggest throwing stars, or small daggers. Anything on the floor or stuck in amannequin is fair game. Do not, under penalty of death, touch anything on topof the workbench or on the walls.”
“Um, okay.”Sauntering over to the nearest mannequin, Kaleb bent over to study the spikyshuriken stuck directly where it’s heart would have been. “Are you sure Zuriwill be okay with this? I mean, this shuriken looks beyond expensive, given theintricate design. It must have taken her hours to make.”
“Probably. Sheenjoys the challenge. But seriously, look at the design of that thing. How doyou wear it into battle without cutting yourself? Even throwing it you riskslicing your hand open.” Shaw returned to the bench, sorting through the mess,finding one and then a second set of pliers. “Here, you’re going to need theseto get that out of there.”
“They’repractically works of art.” Kaleb was a little awed as he dropped a small daggerwith a curved handle into his basket. “You don’t think we’re inviting trouble,handing out deadly weapons at a party where two factions are attending thathaven’t historically gotten along?”
Shrugging, Shawscooped up a kraikeen wheel star using her pliers. “I can’t see how it willmake any difference. Valkyries, thanks to our magic and love of all thingssharp, are always armed for bear. And I’m betting Conflict She-Demons don’t goanywhere without a few weapons on board. All I know is that Galen’s sisterswere whining about suitable prizes, and I’m delivering. What they do with them.Whether they use them or hang them on a wall for decoration is not my problem.”
“Yeah, no one whoever invented anything and said that ever wound up neck deep in catastrophe.”
Laughing, Shawglanced Kaleb’s way. “Then at least the baby shower will be memorable. Evenbetter, no one will ever consider asking for my input in regards to organisinga social event ever again.”
Kaleb had toremember to breathe. Shaw had just laughed. Husky. Low. So fucking sexy.Wrenching his gaze from her he yanked out another sharp object embedded deeplyin the nearest dummy. Where had all his blood gone? It certainly wasn’t in hishead, because he was considering doing… saying all sorts of things to Shaw.Like, take me. Mate me. Claim me. Fuck. Fuck.
Hiding herdisappointment at Kaleb’s lack of reaction at her small attempt at a joke, Shawdumped one more item in her basket before dropping the pliers. “I’ll ask Zurito send over some chain mail pouches so we’ll be able to hand these out safely.So… ah, what should we do about dinner tonight?” Unsure why she had hesitated.But a small part of Shaw was kind of hoping that Kaleb would suggest they headback to her place for a quiet dinner. Then maybe spend the rest of the eveningheating up the sheets together in the guest suite again.
“You wanted to gobar hopping, didn’t you?” By the Fiery Pits, being supportive and cool wasgoing to give him ulcers. “Track down a couple of Department Heads orsomething? Perhaps we could grab a quick dinner on the go somewhere?”
“Yeah. I mean,yes. You’re right. Okay, food first. Then we hit a few clubs.”
“Great.” Kaleb wasboth pleased and beyond miserable. Any time spent with Shaw was a blessing. Butnot pushing, not flirting, not touching her with intent? It was excruciating.This long game might be the death of him. He wondered what they’d write on hiscause of death, idiot perhaps. Because he had no bloody clue if he was doingthis right.
Was Shaw softeningin any way towards him? Beginning to see how useful it would be to have him inher life? Was she thinking about how they spent last night together and howhot… how beyond hot it had been?
He prayed he wasmaking small inroads into her heart. There was a look on her face right nowthat gave him hope, thoughtful, considering, as she stared at him for a moment,before thumping her fist to her chest hard, issuing a small burp. “You know, Ithink you were right about all that ale on an empty stomach. Let’s grabburgers. Is that okay with you?”
“As you wish.” Hewas so fucked.
Lord Luciferclearly loathed him and was on a personal crusade to see Kaleb punished, it wasthe only explanation. They were out on the dancefloor. Shaw wearing nothing buttiny black leather shorts, a matching halter top and knee high biker boots,rubbing that gorgeous ass of hers against his cock with every jump she, and ahundred other Valkyries, executed. Highway to Hell was belting out of the loudspeakers. More impressive, every single one of Shaw’s brethren had a pint ofale, or two, in their hands and not a single drop was being spilt. Inself-defence Kaleb jumped along with them. It was the only way to give his poorcock a break.
As the song ended,he quickly tapped Shaw on the shoulder. “We need more ale. I’ll be right back.”He didn’t bother to wait for her response, just began shouldering his waythrough the mob, twisting, turning, sidestepping quickly, damn, Valkyries gothandsy and randy when they drank. Pity the same couldn’t be said for Shaw. Thiswas their third Valkyrie bar of the evening. Other than slightly different neonale advertising signs, it was an exact replica of the previous two bars. Fullof Valkyries drinking, carousing, sharing stories, dancing and having a ton offun.
The clubs werealways dark, and yes, there was a lot of leather worn by the mostly femalepatrons but there was also a universal air of good cheer and celebration.Valkyries took partying as seriously as they did fighting. Just swapping outthe blood for ale.