Page 56 of A Demon Is Forever

“Hey, that’s allon you. You were the one that stopped talking to Galen after Stephanie claimedhim.”

“He made me King.Between running my business, dodging my advisors and doing all the critical Kingstuff, when I did get a minute to myself the last thing I wanted to hear aboutwas him waxing lyrical about how wonderful being mated was.”

“Yeah, he did makeyou King. Although it’s not like you haven’t used the power and position to getsome things done, is it? The ex-Berserkers. Awarding royal vendor contracts tomore deserving Demons. Changing a few of your more stupid laws. And heavenknows what other mischief you’ve been up to behind the scenes. Admit it, you’vehad fun zigging and zagging all over the place under the guise of being aKingly dick.” Oops, she probably shouldn’t have mentioned Kaleb’s dick, as theexpression in his eyes abruptly heated, his grin dropping to that slightlyalmost not there smile that made her gut bubble with anticipation.

Vivi Darvyn wastoo entranced by what she was watching on the screen to notice the vibe in heroffice had abruptly shifted. Too busy clapping her hands together, crowinghappily. “Just look at those weeping sores. They have to be burrowingboreworms.”

Shaw’s attentionflickered to Vivi momentarily and then back to Kaleb, whoa, all the heat in hiseyes gone. His normal go-to flirtatious grin back in place. Had she imaginedthe shared moment? Freyja, perhaps she was the only one with sex on the brain.Rein in that libido, Valkyrie. Think of returning to battle. Think of crossingoff another item on the irritating to-do list she’d stupidly saddled herselfwith.

“So, you’ll come?To the baby shower?”

“What?” Vivireluctantly tore her attention away from the laptop. “Oh, yes, the baby shower.Fine, if it means so much to Stephanie, I’ll be there.”

“Great.” Shawleaned forward, pushing the invitation across the desk until it was right underVivi’s nose. “All the details are on there, plus Portal co-ordinates set upspecially for the day. Gifts are of course optional.” She considered remindingVivi about how hormonally explosive Stephanie was currently and decided againstit. Warning Conflict Demons historically had never proven anything but a wasteof breath. “See you there.”

Back outside onthe pavement Shaw was nothing but grateful for the smell of diesel, rubbish andhot dogs. The last provided by a vendor located further up the street. Anythingwas better than the heavily laden air of roses, orange blossom and simmeringunexpressed rage that drenched the air inside the emporium.

Turning to look atKaleb she was a little peeved to find he was tapping away on his phone. Hisfocus absolute, even a small frown puckering the centre of his forehead. Was hesexting? Chit chatting with some femme fatale? He was such a hound dog.

Naturally Shawdidn’t want to discuss what had occurred between them last night, that was agiven, why would she? It had been nothing but a one night stand. Takingadvantage of his presence to fulfil a fantasy she’d been secretly entertainingever since she built the house on the clifftop.

But it was kind ofstrange to be with a male who’d banged a Valkyrie, who wasn’t still a littledazed, and… desperately eager for more.

Not Kaleb. Hehadn’t referenced the events of last night once, either verbally or even with aknowing waggle of his eyebrows. Which was good, great even. There was nothingworse than the male groupies that had had sex with a Valkyrie and hung aroundthe bars they frequented, all moon-eyed and pathetic. There was even anofficial name for them. Vag bunnies.

“Who are youtexting?” Okay, Shaw hadn’t meant that to come out sounding quite so harsh anddemanding.

“What? Oh, Jenna…the party planner. Requesting she source two thrones for the soon to begrandmothers and a raised dais. No way do I want to hit Vivi’s shit list.”

“Oh, yeah. Goodidea.” Relieved he’d remembered that, and so not relieved that he was textingfor business, not personal reasons.

“Just rememberwhen you give your speech to really focus on the grandmothers, and how utterlygrateful and lucky Galen, Stephanie and the girls are to have them in theirlives.”

“Okay… wait, whatdo you mean - when I give a speech?” The world suddenly dimmed, Shaw’s stomachroiling. Oh, good Goddess, was that an earthquake? Because that sidewalk wassure approaching fast.

Chapter Fifteen

“How are youfeeling?”

“Fine. Better. Theale helped.” Even though it had been served in a needlessly fancy gold edgedpint glass. The high end wine bar Kaleb had dragged Shaw into located just offFifth Avenue was relatively empty. It being that rare time of day between theliquid lunch crowd and the end of the working day mob. “I shouldn’t haveskipped breakfast, that’s all.”

“Yeah, right,that’s your excuse and you’re sticking to it, is it? Not because I mentionedyou having to give a speech at the baby shower.”

“Of course not.”Reaching over, Shaw grabbed Kaleb’s barely touched glass of ale and startedchugging it down.

“Then if that’sthe story you’re sticking to, I’m not sure all that alcohol on an empty stomachis a good idea.”

“Don’t beridiculous. Ale and Valkyries go together like knives and guts.”

“I call bullshit,Shaw. Wow, today has certainly provided me with a lot of ammunition.”

“I don’t know whatyou’re blathering on about.”

“No? Okay. Mesaying things like, sweetheart neckline, Italian lace and confetti, doesn’tcause you any discomfort? What about auditoriums? Lecterns? Microphones?”

“Shut up.” Shawcommanded, waving down the waiter and requesting more ale. Her accompanyingthunderous scowl ensuring the service would be speedy.

“So entertaining.”Kaleb leaned back against the leather of the booth they’d snagged. He doubtedShaw would ever bore him, not in his long, long life time. She was just too…perfect. Even her imperfections. Nodding his appreciation as a fresh pint ofale was placed in front of him. “You must speak in front of groups all thetime. At Headquarters. In battle.”