“Er… Laurel.”
“Right. Laurel.Jenna’s team can rearrange the staging area to spotlight just the one throne.It does make more sense really, doesn’t it? I mean, they’re having twinValkyries. It’s a given Stephanie’s mother will have a lot of input when it comesto helping raise the girls. Babysitting. Storytime. Expeditions to the park andthe zoo. Do you think she’ll want to be called Grandma or GamGam?”
Biting her lip,trying desperately to keep her expression blank, Shaw managed a casual - doesit matter - shrug. Highly doubting Stephanie’s mother would want to be calledeither of those names. Seriously, if Laurel turned up at the baby shower notcovered in blood, then Shaw would lose money. “I think she intends to give thegirls personalised war axes as presents.”
“Aw, I’m surethey’ll treasure them.” Kaleb responded. Turning back to Vivi he blew her akiss. “Thanks for the clothes. Have a great day.”
“Wait.” Vivi’slips were clamped together in a tight unimpressed line. “Sit.” It was adefinite command, so Kaleb and Shaw both resumed their seats. “Don’t think Idon’t know what you’re doing, Kaleb. You were always a manipulative little imp,which I have always respected.”
Shrugging, Kalebdid nothing but smile in acknowledgement of the compliment.
Waving off thedimple, Vivi transferred her attention to Shaw. “This Stephanie… she took hersweet time claiming my son. He came horrifyingly close to turning Berserkerthanks to her. She topples my bitch of a sister Laynn, and instead of killingher, which she so richly deserved, allows Laynn to be imprisoned by theMorghdorns. Then… then, no sooner does she lay claim to Galen, she promptlyannounces she’s having twin girls and that they’ll be Valkyries.”
“Yes? You’re noteven going to try and refute any of my accusations.”
“No.” Shaw knewher one word answers were only winding Vivi up tighter, but she had a plan.
“No? And you stillexpect me to turn up at this baby shower and act as if nothing is wrong betweenme and that… that Valkyrie?”
“That’s all youhave to say?”
Leaning forward,Shaw placed her hands on the desk. “Stephanie would very much like you toattend. I’m trying to make that happen. But I would like to warn you that inher current hormonal state, Stephanie is both homicidally enraged and clingyweepy. If you do attend with that attitude, just make sure you’ve put all youraffairs in order before you arrive.”
“That sounds likea threat.’
“Does it? Iclearly need to work on giving people a heads-up warning.”
“She wouldn’t hurtme. I’m Galen’s mother.”
“And Stephanie isGalen’s mate, but that hasn’t seemed to stop you from acting like a stone-coldbitch. Stonewalling every gesture she’s made to try and mend whatever crazybridges you believe have been burned.”
“She didn’t killmy sister!”
“You know Galenwas right there also. But let me remind you that the Morghdorns wanted topunish Laynn in kind for keeping their mages imprisoned for centuries. If Galenand Stephanie hadn’t allowed them to take Laynn, your Realm would have beenplunged back into war. Only this time without the Berserkers to act as yourshields.”
“That bitchbrutalised my baby brother for over half a millennium! She tried to do the sameto my only son.” There was so much anger and pain behind those words. More thanthat, Shaw saw a woman who believed she had failed, both her brother and herson.
Damn it, Shaw hadfew empathy nerves but Vivi Darvyn was pulling on one of them. Tugging her phonefrom her pocket she forwarded a link to Vivi’s email address. “I suggest foronce you read the email I just sent. Click on the link… trust me.”
White faced still,Vivi tapped the laptop resting next to her right hand, bringing it to life. Amoment later she found the mail Shaw had sent, clicking on the link. Herexpression changing in an instant, shifting to confused, then intrigued, andthen decidedly gleeful. “Is that… is that her?”
“Yes. Stephanie insistedupon it. It’s a live streaming feed.”
Kaleb bobbed up,moving quickly to stand behind Vivi in order to view the laptop screen. “LordLucifer, if our former Queen doesn’t look beyond miserable.”
Grinning now, bothVivi and Kaleb stared at the screen avidly, drinking in all the details.
“She looks cold.”
“Yes, she does,and in pain, like those manacles really hurt.”
“Laynn looksterrible.” Vivi stated gleefully. “Her hair. Her skin. I hardly recognise her.And that cell has to be barely big enough to pace three steps in. Oh, was thata rat running across her legs?”
“Why didn’t I knowabout this?” Kaleb leaned over and began typing, sending the link off to themedical facility where the ex-Berserkers were being held. Beyond sure thoseguys would quickly become addicted to the reality show of Laynn’s misery.