Page 24 of A Demon Is Forever

Okay, one Gxthiandecapitated. No time to get overly about the victory, Shaw sensing the secondDemon approaching fast on her six. Probably hoping to stab her in the kidneysor severe her spinal cord with his flickering laser sword. Honestly, thoseweapons were more for show than useful. Shaw knew for a fact they took a goodlong time to cool down once they’d been triggered. Burning yourself with yourown weapon when you attempted to holster it seriously diminished its stylepoints.

Spinning aroundShaw was just about to bring her trusty chair up when a tall, broad shoulderedfigure stepped in front of her, blue hospital issued top straining over megamuscled scarred flesh.

Oh, Sweet Freyja,the ex-Berserkers had joined the fray. Whoa, they were impressive. The Gxthiansmight have to train their grey asses off to be deemed eligible to join theGxthian Assassins Guild, but these battered and scarred Conflict Demons wereveterans. Most having fought all but non-stop for hundreds and hundreds ofyears. They barely registered pain. Or so it seemed to Shaw, as the fastapproaching Gxthian sank his sword into the stomach of the Conflict Demon nowlooming in front of him. Receiving no response whatsoever from his victim,although the smell of burning flesh now tainted the air.

The formerBerserker grabbed the Gxthian by the collar of his leather jacket, yanking himforward, thumping a large hand down on his helmet and twisting… and kept ontwisting.

“You okay?” Kaleb hadmanaged to slip through the crowd and return to Shaw’s side. She looked alittle flushed and appeared to be panting. Out of breath? No… seriously?“Please tell me you are not turned on right now?” Glancing over just in time towitness the Gxthian’s head pop off after one final twist by the ex-Berserker.

“Of course not…but a Valkyrie can admire a skilled move, can’t she? There’s no law againstit.”

“Later, for nowI’m going to need you to put the chair down and let me do all the talking.”


The big muscularmutilated Conflict Demon, his over long dark hair falling down to his jaw spunaround, ink black eyes staring intently, focused upon Shaw. Breath coming insteady measured pants. Fists clenched. Lips peeled back as he snarled her way.His whole body tensing, ready to attack.

“How you likinghim now?” Kaleb didn’t wait for an answer, stepping forward. “Hey, Flagstaff.You remember me, right? It’s your good friend, Kaleb.” He held his hands up,palms flat. “I’m going to need you to calm down. Okay, then, and how about forstarters we remove this sword?” Slowly Kaleb reached down, gripped the lasersword, pulling it out of Flagstaff’s side before dropping it to the floor.

“Grr…. Ugh.”

“No, no, this is afriend of mine. Her name’s Shaw. She’s the long legged hottie from the linencloset I was telling you about earlier.” Kaleb patted Flagstaff’s chestreassuringly. “It’s all good, big guy. Time to calm down. No, no, all the funis over. Just settle down. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

Kaleb was right,Shaw observed. Other than two former Berserkers playing wishbone with theremains of one of the Gxthians, all the assassins had been decimated. Theentire room wincing as bones cracked, and the Conflict Demon holding the largerpiece of the Gxthian crowed loudly as if he’d won a prize. Yeah, that wasprobably going a step too far.

Kaleb continued topat Flagstaff on the chest, making unconscious soothing crooning noises underhis breath. The big scarred Demon just stood there, blinking, not reallylooking like he was processing anything. Other than the fact he still held thehelmeted head of his last victim in his hand, he looked reasonably… normal-ish.

“Your Highness.”

“King Chipp.”

“Your Majesty.”

“Shhhssss… it’salright, Flagstaff.” Kaleb shifted his attention to the five political advisorswho had descended upon him, clutching their robes, expressions of annoyanceetched upon all their faces. “Read the room, Dudes.” Kaleb recommended, stillpatting Flagstaff. “Quiet voices and no sudden moves, okay?”

“Um, yes, YourMajesty.” One of the female Demoness’s nodded, absently rubbing at the darkgrey blood staining her blue robes.

“Of course, YourMajesty.” Bowed a Demon with a mane of white silvery hair, his voice low andingratiating.

“We should get youto safety, Your Highness.” The other She-Demon suggested, her pale yellow hairstrangely matching the colour of her long flowing robes. Her nose twitchingconstantly as if she smelled something bad. “And allow the staff here to cleanup and get our… brethren back to their rooms for some… quiet time.”

Flagstaff’s headwhipped around, dark eyes boring into the female, snapping his teeththreateningly in her direction. Causing all five political advisors to jumpbackwards in consternation.

“Ssss-okay, bigguy. Everyone is your friend here. Especially Vanessa. She just has one ofthose intensely grating voices, don’t mind her, I never do. Oh, look, herecomes Doctor Agl… looking a little worse for wear.”

The Creight’spristine white coat was pristine no longer. One pocket torn, arcs of Gxthianblood staining the material in an almost arty fashion. Behind her looking grimbut utterly undamaged, except for his shredded to ribbons baby pink t-shirt,was one of the Balurite orderlies.

Big colourlesseyes blinking rapidly, Doctor Agl stared up at Flagstaff. “Peter’s going totake you back to your room, Flagstaff. Peter… um, Peter?” The Balurite wasslightly bigger than Flagstaff but he seemed a little reluctant to step up forescort duty.

Patting his cheststill, Kaleb smiled up at his distant relative. “Pete’s going to take you backto your room for a little bit, okay? And perhaps along the way he’ll find you abag or something to put your souvenir head in so it doesn’t leak everywherebefore it Portals itself back to the Gxthian Realm.”

Flagstaff blinkedslowly, looking down at 6.4ft Kaleb, softly grunting under his breath inacknowledgement. Clutching the decapitated Gxthian head closely to his chestpossessively.

“Seriously? Is hesingle?” Shaw couldn’t help but ask. “I have like a jillion Valkyrie sisterswho would date him in a red-hot second. Those scars alone would set them off,but then when you add the skills, he’d be beating them off with a stick.”

“He’s barelyverbal.” Agl observed snidely.

“Which only makeshim hotter. Chatty men can be so annoying.” Shaw glared pointedly at Kaleb.