Page 23 of A Demon Is Forever

“Best two minutesof my life.” Shaw affirmed, she really disliked Doctor Agl’s snotty attitude.

“Please, threeminutes, surely?” Kaleb laughed, damn, he was liking his Valkyrie. Especiallywhen she was willing to participate in getting under Agl’s skin. “Speaking oftime.” Kaleb glanced reluctantly towards his five advisors who hadunfortunately tracked him down. “I won’t-”

The double doorsbanged open once more, this time Gxthian Demons streamed in, wearing blackbiker leathers, helmets on but with visors up, displaying their grey noses andmatching eyes. Most holding laser blades whilst several carried spiked chains.

“There will be noviolence here.” Agl screamed shrilly, her voice going up several octaves.Holding up her small hands as if to ward off the invading Gxthians. Funnilyenough they didn’t seem too impressed with her stance on the subject ofpacifism either as they kept on coming.

“Shit.” Kalebscooped Agl up, racing across to deposit her behind the wall of Baluriteorderlies. Who were already stepping forward, their mouths opening, releasing ablast of harmonic notes, that should have been capable of calming a horny ogrehopped up on strawberries and oysters.

Unfortunately, theGxthian’s helmets must have been noise cancelling, because they didn’t so muchas flinch, just kept on coming.

Gritting her teethShaw pushed back on the wave of… peace that threatened to overwhelm her. Crap.She thought about calling her halberds but that suddenly seemed like way toomuch effort, and why was everyone yelling? Why couldn’t everyone just getalong?

Maybe these twoGxthians running towards her just needed a hug to turn their frowns upsidedown. One holding a laser sword, spitting out bright red sparks. The otherswinging a nail studded chain. Were they giving her gifts? That was sweet ofthem. Blast, she didn’t have anything for them. Heavens, she duckedautomatically as the one with the chain swung it at her head. “Dude, don’t beupset I didn’t get you anything. Let’s sit… talk… get to know one another.”

Anger andsurprisingly fear coursed through Kaleb. Fuck, they’d broken his Valkyrie.Rounding on Agl. “See what happens when you mess with the innate instincts theGods blessed us with. Oi, you lot.” He roared at the Balurites. “Quit it.” Theorderlies stopped mid note. The trio bringing up their massive forearms like aninterlocking wall to block the eight incoming Gxthians. The Balurites not evenblinking as they were physically attacked, their flesh impervious to either thelaser swords or the spiked chains.

“Your Highness, please,be careful. Where are you going?”

Kaleb shrugged offone of his political advisors. Didn’t they understand he couldn’t stay herebehind the wall of Balurite orderlies when his Valkyrie was out there,displaying pacifist tendencies, and trying to blow sunshine up the attackingGxthian asses rather than actually trying to blow them up.

Okay, he’d have toerase the facility tapes later, this wasn’t going to be pretty but desperatetimes. Kaleb dove through the nearest Balurite’s legs, rolling in a tight ball,keeping his momentum going so he barrelled on past the line of attackingGxthians.

“I don’t get whyyou’re so angry.” Shaw side stepped as the Demon with the laser sword attemptedto skewer her. “Tell me, were you bottle or breast fed as a baby? Because Ihear that can totally impact you later in life.” Absently bringing her bootdown on the chain the second Demon snapped out towards her, trapping it. “Dude,can’t you see I’m trying to form a connection with your pal here? We’ll get toyou in a moment. Unless you two are brothers, do I look like your Mom orsomething?”

Instincts firing,Shaw ducked, her head whipping around to glare at Kaleb who’d run up behindher.

“What was that?”

“I was trying toslap some sense into you. Come on, snap out of it, Valkyrie.”

“I don’t know whatyou’re talking about.”

“Please. This isnot you… Look out.” He yelled but Shaw was already moving slightly to the rightto avoid another thrust from the laser sword. Clearly Shaw’s survival instinctswere ingrained, Kaleb just needed to fire up her bloodthirsty nature, andquickly, before the Gxthians attacking the impervious wall of Balurite fleshrealised their target, him, was now a sitting duck. Standing not ten feet away,protected by no more than a suddenly love thy neighbour Valkyrie.

“Hey, manners.”Shaw reprimanded the Gxthian who had given up trying to reclaim his chain fromunder her boot. Instead punching out with gloved hands that had wicked razorsharp claws embedded at the knuckles. “Look…” Shaw grabbed the steel chairbeside her, twirling it effortlessly, using the chair back to prod the Gxthianin the chest and keep him at arm’s length. “… I’m trying to have a conversationhere and you are rudely interrupting. While you wait, I suggest you breathe…and picture a meadow.”

Shit. Shit. Thismight get him dead but it was the only thing Kaleb could think of that mightsnap Shaw out of the Balurite induced tranquillity whammy. Grabbing her by theshoulder he gave her a small push. “Out the way, woman, this here is man’s work.I’ll deal with-” So he had the answer to whether Shaw was strong enough to pickhim up, as he sailed through the air, courtesy of Valkyrie Air. Landing in anundignified sprawl in the centre of the former Berserkers. All of them justsitting there, waiting to be escorted back to their rooms.

Shaw’s blood wason fire. Her mind boiling. Man’s work! Man’s work! Why that insufferablegrinning arrogant butthole. She’d deal with Kaleb after she decimated the twoGxthians trying to kill her. Only one little problem, she couldn’t seem to callher halberds. Perhaps it was left over residue from the Balurite’s peacewhammy, didn’t matter though, she was a Valkyrie, trained from the cradle toimprovise. Look, she already had the perfect weapon in her hands, the steelchair.

Flicking her bootback and up, Shaw kicked out, sending the nail embedded chain flying to wraparound the chest and neck of the Gxthian with the laser blade. Whilst he wasdistracted, Shaw lifted the chair, ramming the edge of the back of the chairinto the second Demon’s throat, just under his motorcycle helmet. Then shestarted pushing… harder… faster. The Gxthian struggled to keep his feet, letalone his balance. Finding himself being pushed backwards and unable to doanything about it. Swiping out uselessly with his clawed gloved hands, bangingfutilely at the steel chair. Shaw was all but running now, bracing herself, asthe Gxthian’s back hit a wall and the steel edge of the chair kept on going.

Dusting himselfoff, Kaleb watched a Gxthian’s helmeted head sail across the room, sprayinggrey blood upwards in an arc, decorating the yellow ceiling before ricochetingoff one of the Hunting Party hacking away at the Balurites.

That Gxthianturned, scoping out the room, searching for the threat. His gaze settling onKaleb. Abruptly lifting his head, releasing a chilling war cry, that no doubttranslated to target acquired as his seven buddies ceased futilely attackingthe Balurite orderlies. Likewise turning to lock onto Kaleb’s position.

By the Fiery Pitsof Hell, this was not good. Not good at all. Especially given where he wascurrently standing. In the midst of the defenceless all but catatonic ConflictDemons. “Look, Chaps. I’m so sorry about this. I’ll lead them off. You keepyour heads down.”

Kaleb had barelytaken two steps when a heavy scarred hand thumped down upon his shoulder,squeezing painfully, locking him in place. Looking up, Kaleb was beyondstunned. Flagstaff, one of the first Berserkers created, reluctant reality showstar of the war and Galen’s Uncle and the former Queen’s brother, was standingupright beside Kaleb. Covered in brutal deep scars, an ear missing, chunks offlesh carved out from various places on his torso and limbs. Lord Lucifer,Kaleb fought the urge to cringe, killed by friendly fire, this was going tohurt.

Except allFlagstaff did was shove Kaleb behind his massive frame and turn to glare at thewave of approaching Gxthians, issuing a short, huffing, unintelligible grunt.Though it must have meant something, as six former Berserkers stood up andturned to also face the oncoming threat.

Kaleb couldn’thelp himself, he punched a fist in the air. Take that Doctor Agl and all your fancydegrees. See, violence could totally be the answer in treating these males.Question was though, once the violence switch was triggered, would they be ableto turn it off again?

And, perhaps moreworrisome, could his brethren tell the good guys from the bad guys?

Chapter Seven