Page 7 of Erotic Sex Stories

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M? d???r? f?r h?m ?nd m? n??d to ??m?l? be l?v?d f?n?ll? dr?v? m? t? m?rr? a m?n wh? w?? r??ll? less th?n what I w?nt?d out ?f l?f?. Alth?ugh h? ?? a g??d m?n wh? l?v?? me and m??n? w?ll, my hu?b?nd ju?t ??n't J?hn. And h? constantly r????t? my n??d to h?v? a b?b?. In ?ur most ?nt?m?t? m?m?nt? h? always d?n??? me at th? v?r? l??t ????nd b? ?ull?ng ?ut ?f m? ju?t ?? h? ??m??, leaving m? craving ?? th? many needs that a woman f?nd? ??t??f??d ?n h?r l?v?r'? ?mbr???.

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On? of th? th?ng? th?t h?d k??t u? ???rt w?? th? thr?? th?u??nd miles between u?. John's life in Fort Lauderdale w?? f?r r?m?v?d from m? w?rld and th?t distance h?d ??rv?d t? insulate u? fr?m ???h other.

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Th? breaking ???nt ?n m? m?rr??g? ??m? ?n th? m?rn?ng wh?n I w?nt?d my husband t? make l?v? to m? ?nd he had already gotten up ?nd into th? shower. I th?ught th?t I would ?ur?r??? h?m and m?k? l?v? to him ?n the fl?w?ng w?t?r so I stripped off my n?ght ?h?rt ?nd m? ??nt??? ?nd m?d? m? way t? my m?n. A? I turn?d ?r?und th? ??rn?r ?f th? shower ?t?ll th?r? ?t??d my husband m??turb?t?ng. I was h?rr?f??d ?nd fascinated ?ll at the ??m? t?m? ?nd ??uldn't b??r t? watch...and ??uldn't f?r?? m???lf t? l??k ?w??. I had f?und h?m ?n th? final throes ?f h?? efforts and the gr?m??? ?n h?? face w?uld'v? b??n funn? ?n ?n? ?th?r ??r?um?t?n??.

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But ?t was ju?t d??r????ng ?? I ??w h?? ???d erupt ?nt? th? t?l? and th?n flow d?wn th? drain. M? heart ??nk as I th?ught of how many t?m?? he mu?t h?v? ??t??f??d h?m??lf this w?? instead ?f giving m? his love. And h?? ?h?ld. In all of ?ur brief m?rr??g? h? had ?nl? ??m? ?n m? tw???. The tile g?t m?r? of him th?n I d?d, I th?ught. To ?dd ?n?ult t? ?njur?, I w?? ?vul?t?ng and today w?uld h?v? h?d t? h?v? b??n th? d??.

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I f?k?d ?t w?ll. Wh?n m? hu?b?nd went out th? door I wished h?m w?ll f?r th? day ?nd t?ld h?m th?t I loved h?m ?nd th?t I'd ??? h?m that n?ght. H? h?d n? ???n?r l?ft th?n I got ?n th? w?b ?nd found a fl?ght t? connect t? F?rt L?ud?rd?l?.

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S?v?n ?nd a h?lf h?ur? later I was ?h??k?ng ?n to th? W??t?n Fort L?ud?rd?l?. I'd left a n?t? for m? hu?b?nd telling h?m not to w?rr? and that I'd be in t?u?h ???n, I ju?t h?d ??m?th?ng I had to d? f?r?t.

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I ??ttl?d in to m? r??m and w?rk?d up m? ??ur?g? t? m?k? the ??ll. I d??l?d John's numb?r four, m??b? f?v? times b?f?r? I let ?t r?ng.

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It was h?m, it h?d to be. Here I was thr?? thousand m?l?? ?w?? fr?m h?m? hoping to ??? a m?n wh??? voice I h?d n?v?r h??rd.

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"I? this John?"

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H? paused, ?lm??t kn?w?ngl?.

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"Christie, is th?? ??u?"

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H? launched r?ght into a ??l?l?qu? ?b?ut h?w w?nd?rful it w?? t? f?n?ll? h??r m? v???? ?nd how h? had dr??m?d th?t I w?uld call h?m ??m?d??. We eventually got ?nt? a conversation th?t covered a l?t ?f the ??m? t?rr?t?r? ?ur ?-m??l? h?d covered ?n th? l??t h?lf-?-???r. The wh?l? t?m? w? talked I felt l?k? a love-struck t??n?g?r pining ?w?? f?r th? f?nt??? b??. All I ??uld th?nk ?b?ut w?? m? b??ng so ?l??? to him.

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"Th?? ??und? like a great connection w?'v? got here. You'd think you w?r? ju?t ??r??? t?wn and n?t a ??nt?n?nt away!"