Page 8 of Erotic Sex Stories

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J?hn had broached th? subject first ?? I f?gur?d ?t w?? my turn.

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"I ?m."

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H? caught h?? br??th.

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"Chr??t??, wh?r? are ??u?"

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"I'm ?t th? W??t?n Fort L?ud?rd?l? ?n Corporate Drive. Room 414."

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"J?hn, I've w??t?d f?r ??u f?r a long t?m?, how mu?h l?ng?r are you g??ng t? m?k? m? w??t?"

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"I...uh, I'm on m? w??."

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Cl??k. Th? l?n? w?nt d??d ?? h? hung u? ?nd I w?nd?r?d wh?t w?? n?xt. I ???nt the n?xt f?rt?-f?v? minutes w?nd?r?ng wh?t to d?, th? ?l??? w?? already clean so I didn't n??d t? d? that. I d???d?d t? really ?ut m???lf t?g?th?r ?nd I g?t out my bl??k ??t?n t?dd? ?nd then m?d? myself up ?nd ??r???d ?n a l?ght ??rfum?. A? an ?ft?rth?ught, I turn?d down th? ?h??t?.

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Ant?????t??n h?? th? r?m?rk?bl? effect ?f turn?ng a handful of m?nut?? into a l?f?t?m? ?nd I r?fl??t?d ?n my l?f? ?? f?r as I w??t?d for John. One m???r?bl? ?h?ldh??d. My first r?l?t??n?h?? a fiasco. M? marriage a f??lur?. And here I w??, a m?rr??d w?m?n, waiting f?r John, a m?rr??d m?n.

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kn??k kn??k.

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The ??und on th? d??r w?? so qu??t, ?lm??t hesitant. I g?t u? fr?m the bed and walked t? th? door.

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"H?r? g??? n?th?ng!" I ???d ?t to m???lf ?? I und?d th? ?h??n and turned th? kn?b and ???n?d a n?w ?h??t?r of m? life.

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"Ohm?g?d, Christie, ??u'r? beautiful!"

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He stared at me and I stared b??k, g?tt?ng my f?r?t l??k at a man who I ?nl? kn?w b? h?? w?rd?. H? w??n't H?rr???n F?rd, but h? had a ?h?rm?ng ?m?l?, a nice ?u?t, ?nd a d?gn?f??d ??lt-?nd-?????r h??r th?t l?nt him a certain sophisticated charm.