Page 2 of Dirty Boy

“Maddy is wild. Period. Gem knows this, or I thought she did,” I mutter, receiving a glare from Ripper in return. His ol’ lady hung the fucking moon in his opinion, so anything that sounds remotely like a jab he’s ready to turn feral for her ass. “Fine.” I huff. One reason I joined this club was because Ripper doesn’t meddle in the brothers’ shit. Also ‘cause we sell a shit ton of blow and it’s sorta my thing. I’ve dealt since I was ten years old and didn’t have any other fucking choice. I’d have been stuck in the broken, old RV with my shit for brains mother had I not found a way out.

Tossing another shot back, I get to my feet, making Mouse glance up at me. I shake my head, silently telling him I’m straight. He can stay and party, tonight’s for the prospects anyhow. The fuckers have been working their asses off for the club and it’s far time we let them cut loose for a night and chill with the brothers. I fist bump Baker on my way to the hallway with the bathrooms to check up on Maddy. It’s good to have the old man back home, now that the senator came through and got Baker out on early release. It pays to have a few acquaintances high up, even if the old asshole has been constantly calling the club to see if we’re hiding Madison from him. Nobody’s telling his punk ass anything this time around, what he did before was fucked up. Who pays money for their daughter only to drug her and then turn around and lock her away in rehab for months without allowing her to speak to anyone.

Turning the corner towards the women’s door, I find her. Her skimpy bikini’s gone and two men fuck her without abandon, one from the front while the other plows into her from behind. I’d be worried she was being forced if she wasn’t moaning loud as fuck and telling them to hit it harder. I wonder how long this shit’s been going on? She’s been here every night the past week, so I wouldn’t put it past her to have been making the bathroom fuck a regular nightly feature. This is where she’s been getting the money to buy so much coke from the club, I’d bet.

We aren’t together-together... at least we haven’t said it aloud, but I thought it was a given since we’re fucking that I don’t want her on anyone else’s cock while she’s wetting mine. Shit, if anything, I expected to be the one to stray from her pussy first, but for some reason, I haven’t paid much attention to anyone else. That shit changes right now.

Without a word, a second thought, or a backward glance, I leave, heading for the main door. I’m done partying tonight and ready to get the hell out of here. The brothers will get the hint when I don’t show back up at the table. Stepping outside, I dip my head at Benny, the bouncer for tonight. He’s worked here for the past few months so he’s used to us by now. “You out of here?”

“Yeah. Maddy’s fucking a few guys in there, so she can find her own ride and bed to sleep in. I’m not in the mood to deal with any stripper’s bullshit tonight.”

“I hear you.” He doesn’t seem surprised, so my guess was right, and it’s not the first time she’s been riding a cock not attached to me. Fuck her.

“Hey, mind if I catch a ride with you? I don’t think mine’s going to show.” A soft voice from my left steals my attention. She’s tucked into the shadow right off to the side. If I was sober, I might’ve seen her, but with the drinks and bullshit following me from inside, I hadn’t noticed her. I squint, trying to get a better look and she takes a step into the light, beside Benny and me.

Her beauty hits me like a fucking sledgehammer.

I must’ve drunk more than I thought if she’s looking this fine. Why does she seem familiar to me? “Do I know you?” I ask bluntly, flicking my gaze over her again.

She shakes her head. “No, not really. Um, you’re Blow, right?”

With a nod, I ask, “You know me, though?”

She smirks. “I’m Sydney.” And then it hits me.

I snap my fingers, eyes lighting up as I point and say, “You’re from that app, right? I hearted you when we matched up.”

I swear she blushes. So fuckin’ cute, this one.

“I hearted you back,” she admits, irises blazing with desire, and I’ve found my fun for the night.

“Sydney, you want to head back to the club with me and chill?”

She nods, “I’d like that.”

Holding my hand out, she places her palm in mine without hesitation, and I tug her towards my bike. I order Benny, “Tell the bitch we’re done. She can stay with her sister, she’s not in my room anymore.”

His brows damn near hit his hairline, but he nods in submission. Let’s be real, very few men have big enough balls to tell the Vice President of the Royal Bastards Texas chapter no about anything. I’ll bury their asses out in the middle of nowhere without giving a fuck who’s missing them at night.

We get to my motorcycle and I swing my leg over. Sydney nibbles on her bottom lip as she shyly says, “Anybody ever tell you-you look like Jax Teller from that famous TV show?”

“Yes, all the time. Now get on, baby. You know how to ride?”

She slides up against my back, gluing her body to mine as she wraps her arms around my middle, resting them low. Her hands splay, no doubt feeling the lean muscles underneath my black leather cut. “Oh, I know how to ride all right,” she promises, and I crank the engine.

The roar echoes through the parking lot, drawing all attention to us. I’m pulling out of the parking spot as Maddy comes running from the club’s entrance. Her mouth pops open as Sydney and I ride by, and Sydney takes it up a notch. Her hand shoots out, middle finger flying at Maddy as we slowly pass, rubbing it in.

Maybe she’s not as sweet and quiet as I initially pegged her for. Apparently, sexy little Sydney has claws when it comes to other women, and I’m perfectly fine with that. I love watching a few bitches duke it out to have my cock.

Chapter 2


I’ve been waiting for my chance to get into the clubhouse so when Blow comes stumbling out of the bar angry and needy, I couldn’t believe my luck. I knew I had to do something to catch the club’s attention and who better than the VP? I found him on the ridiculous app, and of course, I swiped right on him. I looked for all their faces, and surprisingly, I found the bad boy dealer himself. Sure, they all have their fingers dipped into illegal activities, but from what I’ve gathered, Blow is the man you talk to if you want to get your hands on large quantities of drugs.

As we stroll through the MC’s clubhouse a few club bunnies glare my way, but I ignore them. Self-preservation has me wanting to flip them off and gloat over trailing behind Blow, but they may come in use in the future. A prospect wearily stares at us but doesn’t say a word. It looks like he’s been left behind to clean while the others party without him.

We turn another corner, and I slam into a muscular chest. My heart rate skyrockets as my hands fly out in front of me to rest on a hard set of abs. I have to tilt my head back to meet the stormy gaze belonging to Angel, the club’s enforcer. He’s a nasty SOB, and the last one I was hoping to have to get close to. His presence is overpowering to the point I have to draw in a swift breath before being able to speak. I’ve been touted as a pretty tough chick for most of my life, but this guy is a force on his own, charged with handling the body pile behind the RBMC TX. His killing stats are astronomical, but he’s precise and clean to the point he’s literally gotten away with an unknown amount of murders.