Page 1 of Dirty Boy



With a powerful snort, the bump escapes up my nostril. The crisp tingle makes my left eye water as the tangy flavor explodes down the back of my throat. I cough quietly as I sniff and attempt to amp myself up to do this. I have no hesitations whatsoever. When I found out Maddy had been forced into another rehab, I knew I had to come and break her out. She doesn’t belong in a place like this; the woman deserves to be free. Her senator father is the toxic one, not his daughter. My time with her was short, and yet I already know her better than that crooked fucker.

I draw in a swift breath as one of the nurses walks by on the patio area. I’m right outside Maddy’s window, having cased this place the past couple days. I found out which room was hers, then watched her routine as well as everyone else’s. I know she’ll be in her assigned room in approximately three minutes, and no one will be bothering her for at least another ten minutes. The nurse vapes quickly before flashing her badge beside the door and tucking back inside. The hypocrite keeps to her schedule like clockwork. I think it’s ironic we’re at a place for addicts, yet half these people smoke and drink on the regular. You’d think they’d have to be completely drug-free, but that’s the fucked up state of California for you. I hate this shit hole.

I’ve been working on Maddy’s window, slowly and quietly. They have them all covered in bars, it’s a real classy joint, locking people inside. I hate these fucking places, no one should be kept somewhere against their will. Anyway, it’s not like I could bring any electric tools with me; they’d draw attention, so, at night, I’ve come back with a few screwdrivers and twisted the screws out of these fucking bars until I’ve gotten blisters on my palms. I’ve gotten all the bottom and side screws out, so she’ll only need to squeeze out of them.

Maddy strolls into the room, looking more depressed than ever, and that’s saying a lot. She isn’t the most stable person I’ve met, but even coming down after being blitzed out of her fucking mind, she doesn’t look this wrecked. It’s like her life has died and she’s mourning the loss. With a quick glance around to make sure no one’s nearby to hear the noises, I push the bars to the sides, creating a gap big enough for her skinny ass to fit through. She was already thin, but detox has her looking like a goddamn blade of grass. The woman needs some Texas barbecue and a beer to fatten her up a little. We southern boys like our women to have something we can grab onto.

My palms flatten on the window, quietly pushing it upward. It slides but still makes enough noise to have her eyes shooting in my direction in alarm. Her mouth gapes when her gaze meets mine. Her head swings from me to her bedroom door every few seconds until I have the window open enough to whisper shout a rushed, “Shoes!”

She dives off the side of the bed, grabbing her cheap plastic flip-flops and runs for me.

“Come on, baby, time to go,” I whisper, using one arm to hold the window open while offering her my other. The sandals are going to be hell to ride in, especially all the way back to central Texas so we’ll have to fix that hiccup as soon as possible.

Her feet come out the window first, one hand landing on my shoulder while the other helps her scoot through the window. She drops her sandals and slides her feet in them. “Blow?” She huffs, still in shock. I know one thing’s for certain, she’s got the color back in her cheeks, and it only took me sixty motherfucking seconds to put it there.

“Run for the tree line over there, baby. I’ve got to fix this.”

Without hesitation she nods and takes off, running so fast, I can’t help but wince at the prospect of her falling and busting her ass. I carefully allow the weight of the window to slide down as quietly as possible and move the bars back in place. I don’t waste time screwing them in; if someone glances in her room nothing will look amiss. Now, if they walk around outside and take the time to check the bars, then they’ll no doubt see how she got out. We’re lucky she’s at a private spot out in bum fuck cushy Egypt and not a damn psych hospital with crazy lockdown procedures.

Running after her, she’s already made it into the cover of the trees, thankfully. “Blow! It’s really you. You’re here?”

“I am. Heard you was in this fucking wretched place and couldn’t live with myself leaving you locked away to play the dutiful Stepford daughter. Once your sister found out where you were, I came for you.”

With a grin, she launches herself at me. Her expression is full of sunshine, and she giggles as she damn near knocks me over. I hug her back tightly. We may’ve not been exclusive or anything, but we were more than fuck buddies, we were friends while she was hiding out in Texas. “You fucking crazy, gorgeous biker. Let’s get out of here. These bitches are brutal.”

Releasing her, I grab her hand and tug her after me. “I didn’t think they’d have you stuck in fuckin’ chanclas. It’s going to be shit riding in them. I want you to try to keep your legs out to the sides unless we take a turn, then tuck in to the pegs. With you in cotton shorts and sandals, you’re likely to end up burned one way or another. We’ll stop at a store I saw about twenty minutes away and I’ll run in to grab you some shit so we can get the fuck outta here before anyone realizes you’re gone.”

“They’re probably already looking,” she mutters as I crank the engine. “I couldn’t even shit in peace. They wanted to watch me constantly. I would’ve beat my head against the wall, but they would’ve just made me stay locked up longer.”

“Hold on tight, baby, this road winds a lot and I’m not going slow.”

She presses a kiss to my shoulder blade and winds her arms around my waist. She locks onto me tightly, and then we fly down the pavement.

Chapter 1


Surrounded by my brothers, I can’t help but chuckle as my prospect, Mouse, talks about a chick dumping her drink all over him. My attention flicks between him and Maddy. She’s on stage, half naked, dancing. Bitch loves to strip and who am I to kill a chick’s dreams?

She loses her tiny Lyrica skirt, left in a sparkly string bikini. She can move, I’ll give her that. I don’t know what her plans in life were outside of stripping, we never talked about it, but I swear she was born to be a stripper. With how much she enjoys partying, it’d be hard to see her trying to do anything else.

Hopping off the stage, she grabs a tray with shots from a server and heads to our table. My prez shakes his head, “Madison, babe, you can’t keep taking trays of shots whenever you want. It’s not how it works, darlin’.”

She shrugs, not having a care in the world, and sets them on the table in front of me. She plops her boney ass on my knee and leans forward, grabbing two shots. Handing me one, she says, “Bottoms up, biker.”

With a grin, I take the shot of cheap tequila and toss it back the same time she does. She’s fucking blitzed out of her mind, laughing and dancing around all night, but it doesn’t stop her from leaning in, tucking her finger into the inside pocket of my cut for the small vial full of blow. “You good, babe?” I’m not her keeper, if she wants to party, it’s on her. I’m just making sure she doesn’t get hurt while doing it.

“More than good, I’m amazing.” She hops up, popping a kiss on my cheek before taking off towards the restroom.

“Gem’s worried.” Ripper starts in on me about his ol’ lady sticking her nose in her sister’s business.

Shaking my head, I huff, “I’m not getting in the middle of their shit. She was upset Maddy was gone, so I went and got her. End of story.”

“You already got knee-deep into it the moment you took her from rehab and brought her back to the club.” He keeps saying the same thing, but what everyone doesn’t seem to realize is Maddy is a grown woman and can do whatever the fuck she wants to. I’m just the guy who is willing to let her be free; the rest won’t get off her left tit, it seems. “I wouldn’t say shit to you, but my ol’ lady is in my ear, brother. You two have been on a fuckin’ bender for damn near three weeks since she hopped on the back of your bike and you brought her home. Maybe it’s time to take a breather so Gem will chill out for a beat over her sister wilding out.”