I know Hendrik is different.

I know what a real orgasm is with him.

Whew, do I ever? He sure put a quarter in my jukebox!

We’ve spent many smokin’ hot evenings in my bed, often waking up in the middle of the night to wrinkle the sheets again.

But we did lots of things together. A cult movie. The shore. He brought his guitar over once and played for a couple of hours just for me. Then I tried to get him to karaoke with me.

I’ll have to work on that some more. He didn’t seem to know what honky tonk music was.

Or maybe he does and is avoiding it!

Then there was that time last week when he suggested I might want to work out with him.

That was funny.

“Exercise?! Gasp! Well, bless your little heart,” I teased, and I fluttered my hand over my heart like a southern belle and put on what I’m sure was a cringe-worthy Southern accent, “Surely, sir, you don't mean that you want me to glow, do you? Because as you know, when an effort is involved, horses sweat, men perspire, and women glow.”

That made Hendrik choke on his food from laughter since as usual, we were stuffing our faces with delicious vegetarian fare. “Does that mean, Fair Lady, that I don't have a chance of getting you naked in a locker room?”

I really like Hendrik. My mom knew I was dating, but I kept it very casual-sounding. Like it was just a weekly meet-up at the coffee shop kind of thing.

Mom can be pretty nosy about this kind of thing when she gets going. Not to mention those cousins of mine!

All Nosy Parkers!

My cousins were like protective Knights in Armor about me. In fact, they were still both under the impression that they were waiting for me to find my very first-ever boyfriend.

So let them think that!

I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of letting them know that I was hot and heavy with Hendrik. That I wasdatinga man.

Little did I know at the moment that I was going to get hotter when I got some news about my steamin’ hot Hendrik.

Chapter 23


Thingsaregoingverywell between Beatrice and me. It has occurred to me more than once that our sleepovers of the past several weeks are always at her place.

Well, duh, of course they are!

What is interesting about that is she hasn't asked … Not once ... Never asked where I live or if we should go to my place this time?

I wonder why.

And we also have not gone together to the club where I play every so often. I have only been back once a week since Beatrice and I started seeing each other.

I have been equally lax about checking up on the men, their education, and their business endeavors.

But they follow me whenever I’m with her. They’ve been keeping an eye out for safety on her building and block.

I love those guys!

Since Beatrice had to be at her office quite late for three nights in a row, I checked in with Jared, and was very happy to hear that Jared’s wife was now able to teach their older child, a smart three-year-old, how to read! That was because Jared taught his wife how to read after he got better at it himself.

“You know, Professor, I can read. I truly can. It's just that I do it very slowly. And once I finish reading something, I try to figure out what I've read and I can’t.” That was several years ago now. Ancient history. He wasn't my son. He wasn't my brother. But I was really proud of him. And his own pride ratcheted up several notches when he realized that he could now turn around and teach his wife to improve her reading skills using the exact same process he did.