Among them, Jared's men had an interest in four different types of mainly-digital businesses. Before any of them started them, however, they sat with me and picked my brain for how to go about things. Among them, they had a real flair for numbers, for products, for marketing language.

I'm proud of each and every one of them. And if I'm honest? They are like the little brothers I don't have.

And I need to do more for them.

Chapter 24


Ihavemorethanone project going on at work, and deadlines are close. “Business is booming, people!” Jeff loves to say.

As if he had anything to do with the boom.

It is early evening now and I have one last thing to do before going home and collapsing in bed. It’s my second of three late nights at work.

Unless Jeff gets another “Booming, people!” idea to keep us going longer.

I have been assigned to do some testing on two projects that two junior software coders had initiated. In the process, I couldn't locate the notes about one long-time client’s specifications. I decided to go to the veteran on the team, a fellow named Craig, who has worked on many aspects of this big-deal client’s projects in the past. I haven’t worked with Craig much, but what I’ve seen of the guy makes me like and trust him.

I wonder why Craig never wanted to be promoted. Oh well. I'm just glad he's still here.

He would’ve been great in Jeff’s job. How come no one thought of him for it?

It irritated me that Jeff wasstillon the job, but I never wanted to be in management. I love my work just as it is!

“Hey, Craig, I'm glad we have some wise man’s hands on this team. And I do need your wisdom on this thing.”

I once heard that he was like the 102ndemployee hired by the founder of MetriCooks.

“Ha, ha, you’re funny, Wills. You? You, theAll-Seeing Eyeneed a new set of eyes on a coding problem? Impossible.” He calls everyone by their last name and pulled out my department nickname, too. “I’m honored to serve the All-Seeing,” and he mocked a royal bow to me with a huge smile.

I kinda like that. Sense of humor.

“Whaddaya got?” he asked.

And straight to the point. I like that even better.

After spending about twenty-five frustrating minutes going over the thing, Craig looked up at me.

“Hendrik would never have let this slip by,” he pouted.


My heart is beating wildly in my chest. Hendrik? Craig has suddenly made me think about the man that I’ve become closest to. The one I have not seen for two whole days now.

“The original founder of the company. You may think I'm older than dirt, all you young kids and coders. I'm notthatold,” and he rolled his eyes at himself.

From habit, I blurt, “Craig, Hank Enders founded and sold this company. Not that guy you just named!”

Craig, very suddenly, got flustered.Reallyflustered.

This is interesting …

“Shhhh. I never said that. I. Did. Not. Say. That. Wills, you NEVER heard me say that. BI … iii … iG secret. Should’ve held my tongue,” he leaned in sheepishly. “I’ve been holding it for years. Well, you just don’t tell anyone, Beatrice Wills, that I let slip therealname of MetriCooks’ founding genius. Please,” he pleaded.

He’s serious …

His shame-filled wide eyes, his real chagrin at letting a real big cat out of the bag, and his conspiratorial whisper made me chuckle in spite of myself … and my growing panic.