I nodded again.

I think if he asked to roll in cow poop in that voice, I’d do it.

My whole body is vibrating!

He clarified, “Why don't I buy you a fruit smoothie and you can tell me what he should be saying?”

He’s shy! He went to take my elbow to guide me out and then drew back.

That’s adorable! Scoopers!

He just gestured to the door and held it open to me. I followed him out.

“So,” he began, “The neighborhood gossip told me you moved out of the place I inspected so carefully for you. I hope your new place feels safer to you??”

You don't have to justify yourself. But he looked quite unaffected by my disappearance.

So why are you blushing? Talk to the man!

Just to hear his voice again. Wowzah!

“Well, yes, honesty is the best policy. I had lived there for a very short time and my family got nervous. So my cousins and I found a different place for me. And I was telling the truth! My new place is really closer to my job.” He gave me a raised eyebrow. “Tarnation! Really! It is!” I protested.

“And may I deduce from the person standing on stage just now that your new job is at MetriCooks?” I nodded yes, and asked, “You know tech companies?”

When he just nodded, I remembered that we didn't know each other's names. I stuck my hand out to him, “Pleased to meet you, Kind Sir! My name is Beatrice.”

He gave me a big panty-wetting smile.

OMG! I want him again!

Then he responded by gently taking my hand and shaking it with care, “Pleased to meet you, Miss Beatrice, Lady Fair! Everyone calls me Hendrik.”

Okay, wet panties. Horny for him. But why do I feel sohappyas well?

He briefly mentioned to me that he was an independent tech consultant. I briefly told him what I do. And on and on from there! We talked about technology for so long that the convention broke for lunch before we knew it. “Thunderation, Hendrik! Contrary to my boss-man, you speak my language!”

We decided to stay on for the afternoon session. It was as though no one else was in attendance. We were in our own little cocoon … the only ones in the whole place.

I felt that good with Hendrik. Hendrik Endersson.

Chapter 13


Ohyes,thiswomanhas some of her own mysteries about her. How could I know she was in technology until just now?

Beatrice Wills. She speaks so exuberantly about her work.

Why am I finding that so sexy? Who cares! I am.

This woman is a 110% gorgeous, strong (does she work out?)but still a soft-and-feminine-looking lady.

Admit it: You have been sneaking peeks all day at her!

She’s tall. I like that! She’s sort of gently curvy, but has a narrow waist, her hips and butt swell just so sensuously.

And those breasts! Be still, cock.