Those full round breasts of hers sit high and proud.
I haven't forgotten what her breasts look like. My imagination is going crazy with them! I wonder if she is wearing a bra?
Stop it! What are you, a horny teenager?
Ha, ha! No, I'm a horny grown thirty-something who hasn’t had enough sex in his life.
Same difference!
Her face is a sort of blend of pixie and defiance. Probably from her pronounced jawline. Her yellow-brown hazel eyes turn sparkly when she's excited about something she says about the work.
She sure excites me …
She has that riot of short-ish curly chestnut-brown hair I remember well.
I would love to run my fingers through her hair.
I didn't even get to do that when we were together, did I? Nope.
Time to step up!
“My Lady Fair, I have very much enjoyed chatting with you. But I'm starving! Can I buy you dinner? And then I may just have to inspect your new place for boogeymen ...”
Nice one, Hendrik! Boogeymen. And I just love all of her old-school cuss words. And, thinking of that ...
“You know, my Lady Fair, you have quite colorful curse words. And I'm not sure we can even call them curse words!” I chuckled as I looked at her. “Why the two-century-old cussing?”
She laughed at me, and I felt a surge of connection to her. “Oh, that’s my mom and my uncle raising my cousins and me not to swear. They just made a game out of pointing out old-style curse words from old films and old TV shows for us. And my cousins and I made a game of using them. They are probably more creative than I am with it. We all talk like this in my family. I guess I don’t think much about it anymore, but you’re right. Old-time!”
As she grinned, I asked, “No brothers? No sisters?” She shook her head and I said, “Same here. It is just me and my father.” She confirmed that it was just her and her mother, and filled me in about her uncle and cousins, “It's just the five of us.”
As we left the Convention Center, I questioned her about the type of food she would like to eat.
I don't want to be “that guy” who tells his date what they're going to eat and gets it wrong.
I did not have to worry. She suggested Greek, Lebanese, or Italian where she could eat “vegetarian” if she wished.
Whew! Girl after my own heart.
How true that would end up being!
Chapter 14
WhenHendrikaskedmewhere I'd love to eat, I felt a surge of relief. Even my cousinsjazz-ma-tazzme about eating like a rabbit.
And about the mountains of food I eat. Oh well, we'll see what Hendrik thinks ofthat.
When he said I should pick one of those and we could look up where the nearest restaurant would be, I piped up, “Oh, let's go to the Greek near my new house. I've been there a lot and it’s all delicious and the servings are huge.” I peered over at Hendrik as I said this last. His eyes got bright, “Oh good! On the best of days, I have a huge appetite.”
Whew, not only does he speak geek, he speaks Greek!Oh ... That's a good one! So,
“Not only do you speak geek, you speak Greek?! You are a true Renaissance man!” I told him, and I couldn't help laughing at my own good poetry.
I noticed that Hendrik was a man of few words, with that quiet, but deeply vibrant, sexy voice of his. He was a man of few words, even speaking technology with me all day.
Which he obviously knows a lot about.