I sit close to Dane, our shoulders touching, as we make the hour-long drive to Nuremberg. We're relatively quiet, our conversation light between Liesl's frequent commentary. I'm savoring his closeness outside the confines of my cabin, wishing I could openly put my hands on him.

We arrive in Nuremberg, and our first stop at the Palace of Justice, where World War II war crime trials were held. After disembarking the bus, we proceed with our tour, which includes exhibits, videos, and a visit to the infamous courtroom. The atmosphere is solemn, and the atrocities discussed and displayed are shocking. Dane sticks by my side as we move between the exhibits, occasionally checking to see if I'm all right.

We reboard our bus and head to the Imperial Palace, our driver dropping us off a short distance away at one of the city's historical landmarks—a thirteenth-century city gate. Liesl gives us ten minutes to explore. Then, we walk along the cobblestone toward the palace. Since we're using Audiovox devices to hear Liesl's commentary, there's no need to be near her, so Dane and I trail behind the others. We're nearing the palace when our group rounds a corner and disappears. I laugh when Dane swoops in and kisses me, thinking no one can see us.

Our group reaches the landmark, and we take the next hour and a half to explore the palace, garden, and grounds. Finishing our tour with time to spare, Dane and I walk over to a short wall within the complex and sit on its top as we look out over the city.

Dane's quiet, staring off into the distance. He glances at me over his shoulder. "Beautiful, isn't it?"

"And peaceful." I turn and give him a bittersweet smile. "I wish we could stay here in Germany a little longer. I'm not ready for it to end."

"I know." Dane looks into my eyes, his flickering with what looks like sadness. Without warning, he leans down and tenderlykisses me, his action blossoming into something deep and passionate.

I'm breathless when he pulls away. "You shouldn't have done that. People could see us."

"You're right. I shouldn't have, but I couldn't help myself, and I'd do more if I could get away with it." Dane reaches for my hand and holds it, and I can hear him sigh.

Liesl gathers our group and leads them from the complex toward a nearby German restaurant for lunch. Dane and I slide off the wall and follow them. Once there, we join Iris, the three other ladies, and Larry at one of the rustic-looking wooden tables set aside for us. I excuse myself a few minutes later and head to the ladies' room.

I'm standing at one of the sinks washing my hands when Claire comes up next to me.

"That was so adorable earlier," she says.

Confused, I stare at her image in the mirror. "What was adorable?"

"The way he kissed you." She sounds excited, her eyes meeting mine in the mirror.

"You saw that?"

"I did, along with everyone else," she laughs. "A bunch of us wanted to applaud, but we figured we'd embarrass both of you."

"Yeah, that would have done it. You aren't going to say anything, are you? I mean, to the ship's management."

"Not a word. We're happy for you. Besides, it's hilarious how pissed off Jerry's getting. We're all enjoying the hell out of that."

A woman comes out of one of the stalls and grins at me while she washes her hands. "I agree with Claire. It was cute when he kissed you. That man is so gorgeous. I think I'd melt. Oh, I'm Rachel, by the way."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Brittany."

Claire nudges me with her elbow. "See? I told you. Most of us are getting a kick out of watching you two. So, how did you end up getting together, anyway? Was it instant attraction, or did one of you say something that started it?"

"I met him before the cruise. We had dinner together in Budapest."

"Really?" Claire's eyes go wide, and she sounds surprised. "So you're saying you already knew him when you boarded the ship?"

"I did."

"Then why are you hiding being together?" Rachel asks.

"Because I'm still a paying passenger, and he's a crew member, and we aren't supposed to mingle. He can get in trouble."

"That makes sense," Claire says.

Rachel agrees with her, nodding her head.

Claire and I return to our tables. Various dishes are already on ours, and a glass of white wine sits in front of my plate.

Dane helps me with my chair. "I told the waiter to bring you a glass of wine. I hope that's all right."