I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him to my lips. I can't find any words to say, and part of me wants to cry. I need to enjoy the time I have left with Dane—memorize every moment.

The day after tomorrow, he'll be gone.

Chapter Seventeen


Ready for my tour, I walk up the gangway to the dock and climb a broad set of stairs leading to a plaza where we're supposed to gather. The full-day and half-day tours leave in ten minutes. The shorter walking tours leave an hour later. I spot Dane standing with a group of passengers, looking delectable in black jeans, a dark blue button-down shirt, a black jacket, and boots. He's talking to Beckett Edwards and a woman, who I assume is one of the guides. I walk toward the trio.

"Good morning," Beckett says before I can say anything. "Which tour are you on?"

"Nuremberg." I peek at Dane, finding him watching me.

"Ahh, you're lucky. You'll be joining Liesl today. She's great." Beckett motions to the woman next to Dane with a pink paddle in her hand. He looks over my shoulder at the group walking up behind me. "Folks, if you're going to Nuremberg, you'll be with Liesl. She'll be holding up a pink paddle." Beckett motions the woman to raise her brightly colored sign. "If you're goingto Munich, you'll be with Herman with the green paddle. And if you're going on the Weltenburg Abbey tour, you'll join Freda. She has the yellow paddle. If anyone here is going on the walking tour, you need to stay with me. Our guide for that tour will be Gretchen."

Herman and Freda raise their colored paddles, and those not already with their respective groups hurry to join them.

Liesl turns to face me. "Can I have your name, please?"

"Brittany Walker."

She checks the clipboard in her hand. "It looks like we're waiting for two more people. Go ahead and join the group behind me."

I step away from her and scan our group. Counting Dane, there are thirty-three of us, thirty-five when our missing couple arrives. I see the ladies and Larry standing to the side, talking to the Canadians—Claire and Frank.

Our last two people arrive, and Liesl announces we can go to our bus. Dane leaves Beckett and joins us, keeping his distance from me. There's yelling behind us when we walk away. I turn, spotting Jerry standing with Beckett and wagging his finger at Dane.

"Where is he going?" Jerry yells.

"On the Nuremberg tour. Our crew are allowed to join the tours on their days off," Beckett says.

"He can't go. Not with her." Jerry points at me.

"And why is that?" Beckett's frustration is evident as he taps his foot and scratches the back of his head.

"Something is going on between those two. I know it!"

Dane stops while I keep going, Jerry quickly out of my hearing range.

Liesl leads us between two buildings to the street behind us. Three buses are parked at the curb, and she directs us to the nearest one. I wait in line to board, making sure I'm last as I waitfor Dane. I'm hoping Jerry doesn't make such a big fuss Beckett pulls him from the tour.

It doesn't take long before everyone is on the bus except me and Liesl. She motions for me to get on board, and I do so, taking another look over my shoulder for Dane, but he's nowhere in sight. I motion to Rose, sitting in the third row from the front, that I'm going to sit in the back, and she nods.

Continuing down the aisle, I take the window seat in the back row, my eyes glued on the walkway between the buildings as I nervously look for Dane. I'm about to give up when I see him running toward our bus. The other two tour groups aren't far behind him. Liesl waves so Dane knows where to go, and he climbs on board. He spots me and walks down the aisle, sliding into the seat beside me.

"What happened?" I ask, keeping my voice low.

"Jerry made a huge scene. Beckett was getting mad and finally asked him if he had proof of his accusation. Jerry had to admit he didn't. Then Jerry tried to switch tours so he could watch us, and Beckett told him this tour was full. That made Jerry even angrier."

"What happened after that?"

Dane's face brightens, and he snickers. "Beckett pulled me aside and asked me to keep an eye on you so you don't get hurt again. I think he's worried about a possible lawsuit if things keep happening to you."

"Well, isn't that cute? Beckett gave you a viable reason to be with me on the tour."

"He certainly did." Dane smiles and reaches for my hand. He laces our fingers and pulls our hands onto his lap.

I feel my cheeks warm, my head shooting upward to scan the bus. Then I relax, realizing no one can see our hands hidden by the seat in front of us.