“Point taken. But when we get home, you are stripping, and I’m spanking your butt, then making sweet love to you.”
“Mmm.” She accepted his kiss eagerly. “Can we start now?”
“Nope, because we are babysitting. But when I get you home, you know what to do.”
“I love you baby and you don’t have to belabor this point. I’m a believer. I said I’d buy you a ring.”
“I love you too, but I want a proposal to go with a ring.”
“Duly noted.”
Chapter 10
Becky stretched luxuriously as she woke to an empty bed. She often did because Carter was up with the chickens, doing drills or PT with his team, or going solo in his home gym. None of the men, or women for that matter, used a public gym because of the exposure. In fact, most of their adult lives had been in the shadows or doing things that absolutely didn’t draw attention to themselves or what was theirs. It was a lifelong habit.
These men of theirs were not exhibitionists. The attention they drew from the women who wanted them to hang on their trophy walls and the men who wanted to prove their prowess by challenging them was not worth it. Becky now appreciated that Carter was so careful.
Becky was a typically private person, and that didn’t bother her. At the beginning of their relationship, Carter tried to keep things quiet. “I don’t want others to poke fun or make jokes about you or our relationship. We rib each other all the time, but sometimes, the younger guys don’t seem to understand that it can be in poor taste.”
She was surrounded by nosy, opinionated guys who thought it was acceptable to point out the errors in her food choices, her exercise habits or lack thereof, her friends, her driving style, and anything they perceived as not the best choices for her. Carter had stepped in and stopped all that, but he took over in a big way. When he let it be known that they were an item, dating,whatever they were calling things at the time, he was all in, and it felt like a claiming, and he was his own protection squad.
Her bottom was still a little achy from his discussion about her demonstration with Storm, but that was okay. He got the message. They were going to set the date sometime soon. Carter, Levi, and Callie were on a protection job that Becky feared Garrett or Jac would put their foot down over. It was a simple bodyguard job, for a VIP couple.
The raised voices behind the conference room door yesterday about a female on a protection detail did nothing to intimidate Becky or the meeting attendees. Carter was concerned when Callie was chosen to go with them, but when it was obviously a good call, and Callie was all in, he backed her. Becky loved Carter’s ability to see the whole picture in most situations. He was easygoing when she needed him to be unbiased, so long as it didn’t involve her health or safety.
It was a two-man job but having Callie there was a plus. Carter would fly his plane again. They never could find who tampered with the wiring, or who got in past their security to do it. Everything was boosted and they dropped the pass cards and used biotechnology to enter. Carter still left early to check everything.
With four days dedicated to this job, Becky planned on enjoying the freedom being alone would give her. She loved Carter, but some days, not having the expectations of being on task or minding his words and rules was necessary for their relationship. No expectations. That’s what she needed right now. She ate cookies, had flavored noodles for dinner, colored, watched a comedy, and had coffee after dinner. Carter called just as she was about to get her PJs on.
“Hey, baby. Are you behaving?”
Becky smiled, and it flavored her tone of voice. “Of course, I’m being good. Are you?”
“Brat. You sound like you are having too much fun. Are you at home?”
“Yep, and I was about to get my PJs on.”
“I’m not in the right spot, or I’d play with you some before you changed. I’m outside a fancy hotel grabbing everyone’s dinner. Phone sex might get me arrested out here.”
“Aren’t I worth the risk?”
“Damn straight, but Levi and Callie might get pissed if they don’t get dinner.”
“Fine. I’ll take one for the team. Hey, so are you back Sunday?”
“Monday. We have some follow-up things and will need to retrieve our extra tech equipment from the hotel, and they won’t be available to do that until Monday. But it’s just a few hours’ difference. The job ends Sunday evening. Late.”
“Okay. I thought I’d run to see my dad and figure this mess out with the inventory, then give the rest of the information to the accountant and come home. That will take it off my list.”
“Can’t you do that over the phone? I’m not happy about you going alone. Can one of the girls go with you?”
“I’ll check, but really, I’ll be fine. I’ll go Friday night, spend Saturday and come home Sunday afternoon. Then be ready for work Monday morning.”
“Well, let me know before you go. Text me. And turn on your auto-cam so I can check on you when I am able.”
“You mean check in on me.”