Page 31 of Saving Becky

That night, Becky and Carter arrived at Jac and Sharlee’s with dinner ingredients in hand.

“Tell me again why we’re here?” asked Carter.

“Sharlee wanted a nice dinner, and when Florent is gone, no one can cook adult food past steak and potatoes. She said Jac wanted something decent, so Sharlee asked me what I made since I cook more than any of the ladies, except maybe Mallory.”

“And what did you tell her?”

“Shrimp Scampi with steamed veggies is one of your favorite meals. So here we are, having Shrimp Scampi for dinner. Go see if you can find a tasty wine. I’ll get things started in the kitchen.”

Finley came out of the downstairs nursery and handed Storm over to Becky. The adorable child lit up with a smile and immediately began babbling when Becky started talking to him. “Put him down around eight in his upstairs crib. I have his routine written down. See you later.”

“Thanks. Bye.”

Becky was walking into the living room as Carter came up from the cellar. “I pulled out a nice bottle but not an expensive one. If Jac wants to change it, he can.”

“It’s Finley’s day off. She just handed little Storm off to me on her way out. Um, not sure where the other two are. Here, I can’t take Storm into the kitchen while I’m cooking, so could you take him?”

Carter looked at his little girl and squinted. “Am I going to be itching to spank a beautiful bottom tonight?"

“For fun, maybe? But not for serious. Absolutely not.”

Dinner took half an hour to finish. She’d already prepped the veggies knowing that if she fed Carter quickly, he would be happier.

Table set, Carter walked into the dining room and handed Storm over to her. She also had the little man’s dinner ready and sat him in the high chair. Storm immediately reached for Carter. She tried to distract him with food, but he wanted Carter.

She made a face. “He doesn’t want me. Maybe you can get him to eat his dinner.”

Carter hesitated before taking the spoon and grinning at Storm, who watched the utensil leave the compartmented plate and move toward his eager mouth. Carter spoke to the little boy, his voice low, but said nothing to Becky. She was slightly concerned, but at least her point had been made. Carter was great with kids; if they knew him early, there was no hesitation to cling to him.

Dinner was made, and Becky helped entertain Storm while they ate dinner. Carter spoke to the little one and talked about his upcoming week but not a word about what had happened here.

When it was time to put Storm to bed, Carter helped Becky get the little boy to sleep. Carter sat in the rocker next to Storm’s crib, and soon the little man was asleep. Carter got up, checking the monitor before he left and grabbing the extra speaker on the side table before closing the door behind him. Special operations pilot’s training came in handy when you needed to use your stealth to steal a plane or exit a sleeping child’s room.

As Becky started the dishwasher, Carter walked in and firmly sat the baby monitor on the counter.

“Rebecca Shea, you and I are going to have a stern talk about lying to your Daddy.”

“Oh!” Her hand flew to her chest. “Don’t sneak up on me like that. And I didn’t lie.”

“You said Sharlee and Jac were going to be home.”

Becky shook her head. “No, I didn’t say that. I said she was asking about something good for dinner, and I told her what you liked.”

“Then why did we eat that for dinner, which was done perfectly as always, but at Jac and Sharlee’s house.”

“Because they went out to eat somewhere.”

“I asked you where they were.”

“And I said I didn’t know because I don’t know where they went. And before you ask, it is Finley’s day off, and she is on a date with Ryker. I think she has a date with Levi tomorrow. Not sure what he’s doing, but she’s playing with fire.”

“Yes, it does sound like it, but she might have learned that from her friend, who will soon apologize for misleading her man while looking at the ceiling.”

She scrunched up her face. “The ceiling?” Then the realization hit. “Oh, no! You are not spanking me, and definitely not that way.”

“Daddy’s choice when it’s for punishment.”

Becky’s shoulders slumped. “I only wanted to show you that you will be a great dad, and children love you. I was stunned when Storm didn’t want anyone but you. You were a hit.”