Page 15 of Saving Becky

Carter didn’t want to think about the possibility that she had fabricated this whole thing or made herself vulnerable to arrive at this conclusion. What if he needed to give her more attention? Would she believe this happened because he hadn’t acted like her Daddy? Her lover? Or worse, would she make this up to get his attention?

No, she wouldn’t, and he hated that his mind went there, but he also had to acknowledge that he hadn’t been giving her the Daddy attention she needed. He had been guilty of leaving her to her own devices rather than starting an argument or making her upset.

Time to change up his act, starting with rules. He would pull out her Daddy Dom until they figured out what happened and why. It was more than time, and she needed it. He needed it. He had to keep her safe; maybe it was time to make Daddy a permanent resident again. If she would even let him do more than the occasional dominant act.

He’d talk to Jac about how that would work at the office, but he had a clear vision of how things would change everywhere else. Damn, it felt good to flex himself again in the role that he lived for.

His girl needed him to take over and be her safe place. He hadn’t pushed her because he’d been a coward. Worried about keeping the peace, but that was likely where he’d gone wrong. Becky was about to feel the heat of his demands of submission and earned consequences. Confidence flowedthrough his psyche. And he was about to face his own music. It was inevitable.

It was who they were, and he had been remiss. It was cruel to not ensure her needs were met when he agreed to be her Daddy. He wanted that role, meaning he had to man up and be that person again. They would deal with the things they had to deal with as they came up.

“She’ll be fine. There isn’t any bleeding or too much swelling and that has stabilized. No one needs to stay the night. Ms. Carrington is likely to sleep straight through. That includes you as well, Mr. Brackovich.”

“I appreciate the thought, but that woman in there,” he nodded toward the closed door of Becky’s private hospital room, “she is everything to me. Leaving is not an option until she does.”

The woman hesitated and said, “She’s lucky to have you.”

“It’s the other way around, ma’am.”

She regarded him for a few seconds and then stiffened her spine. “Right then. There is a makeshift bed, and I’ll have someone bring you some bedding and a blanket.” She put her hand up. “I know you guys are all ex-military and still hold the hard-ass award, but humor me and sleep on the cot. I’ll check in tomorrow morning. If Ms. Carrington is doing well, I’ll send you home.”

“Thanks, Doc.”

A deep, controlled voice spoke. “You good with staying here alone? I can leave Kaden or one of the others with you. Not Mark. Even if he would stay, which he won’t, he is a bear these days.”

“Can’t blame the man.” Jac leaned his head to the side and regarded his friend and team member. “I’m good. Really. Thank everyone for us. We appreciate them showing how much they care. And before you all go, if you could grab me some food so Iwon’t feel like I’m in some backwater place waiting for my relief, starving my ass off.”

The chuckle Carter heard reminded him things would be all right. He and Becky had friends, knowledgeable friends who had skills. Lots of skills. And not one of them would hesitate to use those honed abilities to help when needed.

“We already thought of that. The girls have run off to get you fried chicken with all the fixings and whatever else they can find, including beverages. We need to discuss Rebecca, but we can do that in the morning. Even if they release her, it will be at noon. We know the drill. Call me when you know something new.”

“Roger that.”

“I think we have all been giving your girl too much power. She runs my office, hell, she runs me most of the time, but it is my office. The trouble, in this case, is Rebecca does it so well I don’t mind letting her have her head. She knows when to rein in and ask permission, except she needs, craves the security of boundaries, accountability.” Jac considered his friend. “By the look on your face, you have come to the same conclusion.”

“I have. Things are going to be different now. Going back to the way things were.”

“Glad to hear it.”

Both men raised their heads as the women walked toward them with food in a large bag and a round, red and white cardboard container.

Carter grinned. “Girls, I could kiss you.”

“Becky told us a while ago to quadruple your portion, so we did. Just take care of our Becky in there.”


Sharlee smiled at her husband, “We got our men food too. Didn’t think you’d make it home.”

Jac playfully swatted Sharlee’s butt. “I taught you well.”

“Well, me being hungry influenced you getting dinner.” Jac grumbled but kissed her cheek before leading the group back to the waiting room to encourage them to go home.

THE NEXT MORNING BECKYwoke up and discovered a weight on her arm. Panic was her first reaction until Carter’s body moved when she tried to slip her numb limb from his grasp. She was still half asleep when there was pressure, like a kiss, on her hand as she batted her eyes in an effort to acclimatize them to wakefulness. The hiss from her as she felt the painful pins and needles sensation in her arm alerted Carter to her plight. Large, warm hands gently rubbed her skin, teasing the blood to flow freely through her limb.

Carter watched her for a moment. His baby was looking much better on paper than in reality. Her haunted look said she was far from recovered. The men had a short meeting from their homes earlier in the day to decide how to address things. He’d talk to her about that later.

He kissed her lips and stood to stretch. “How’s my Baby Bear doing this morning?”