“I feel a little tired. My head is still pretty sore, and I have a little headache, but I’m good, really.” She glanced at the garbage. “You slept here all night?”
Carter’s anger brightened and yet deepened his Carolina blue eyes. Regardless of his facial expression, his voice was quietly intense.
“What kind of question is that? Of course, I stayed the night. I told you I wasn’t leaving until you did.” She’d heard him, but he could have left someone else to watch over her. She loved that he’d stayed. She did love him. It was just...
Becky shrugged as she watched his fingers plow through his dark blonde hair. Even though it was styled in a close cut, histop had been getting longer. She wondered if he had noticed it was thinning some on top. It made her smile. The next words were delivered with a firm but gentle tone. Becky’s Teddy Bear evidently had a message to deliver.
“Rebecca, things are going to be different. It’s been a while since I’ve been the man you needed, and while I’ve recently been lax about fulfilling my Daddy role. That ends now. Until further notice, you are under Daddy’s watch.”
Becky sighed. “We haven’t done that in a long time. Not for more than a moment or two.”
“And that’s all on me. It’s my job to take the strain off whenever possible and help to lower your stress, and I’ve not done that.”
“But can you do that right now? I mean, we’re all busy.”
“No excuse. This is the dynamic we have, and that suits us the best. You are the most important thing in my life, sweetness, and with this recent event, until we find out what is going on, you are our prime concern. So, get used to it.”
“But it can be so time-consuming and boring for you.” She reached for his big, comforting hand and raised it to her lips. “You’ve done your best and I’ve been moody.”
“Likely because you haven’t been able to let go the way you want to. The way we both need you to. And you have run amuck without your Daddy to paddle or plug that backside when needed. So, as of now, you are doing as you’re told. You are letting me carry the load, and when I get bossy, you will have two choices, use your safe word, or comply. I don’t recommend any of your deflecting tactics or your circle-talking, my girl. Those will be met with sharp correction.”
What could she say to that? Thank fuck would not be appreciated, and she would likely get her butt paddled before she even got home. She was so ready to give over that she wouldhave shouted in relief, except it might bring the nurse in, and how embarrassing would that be?
She opened her mouth to ask a few clarification questions, and the door was knocked on and opened. The doctor smiled distractedly as she briskly entered the room.
“How are you feeling this morning, Ms. Carrington?”
“I’m fine. Can I go home?”
The doctor looked at Carter a little too long for Becky’s liking. “So, can I go?”
Carter lifted his bushy brow as if to say, you go home when we say you do. Becky could feel her sex grow slick. She had no idea why this Carter floated her boat, but she had long accepted that about herself. Kink wasn’t something she had ever thought of until Carter introduced her to who she was, and after that one night and day of passionate education, she was hooked. Right now, his chastising expression was making her belly jump and tingle. She wanted to climb him like a tree and build a treehouse in his arms.
“Ms. Carrington?”
“Oh, sorry. I was thinking about what I had to get done in the office.”
It was a lie. Carter raised his eyebrow and tilted his head to the side as if to say, you want to stick with that story, little girl?
Becky ignored him and her belly. She listened as the doctor talked to her briefly after a quick exam.
“You look good. I’ll let you go home after the nurse goes over the instructions. Your headache should go today or tomorrow, but no computers or electronic devices until the headache has been gone for at least 24 hours.”
Carter looked skeptical. “Are you sure Doc? I mean, she doesn’t look very good.”
“It wouldn’t do anyone any good to stay overnight again. And she is going to be sore, headachy, and bruised for a few days to weeks.”
Becky opened her mouth, but Carter spoke quicker. “So, when her headache does clear, which should be a day or two at least, you want her off the devices at least another day?”
“Yep. Then she can go back to her regular activities slowly. Introduce one at a time to avoid any returning side effects. If the headache lasts for more than three days, come back here or get in to see her physician. Which I don’t see on the paperwork. Who is that? I’ll get it in the records.”
“Um, it’s been a while since I’ve gone in. I mean, I have my gynecologist, but...”
Carter’s strong voice cut across hers.
“She can see my physician. Cairn Matthews.”
Becky made the mistake of looking at Carter and seeing his mouth tighten. She knew what that meant. Thank goodness she had bits of concussion still needing care, or she had no doubt where she would have found herself, nightly, for the entire week.