Page 14 of Saving Becky

“No. Listen t-to me.” Several shivers ran through her body as the warmth from the blanket and the warm water he was given to ply her with did its job. There was also a warmed saline solution running by IV so the heated flush she could feel was in contrast to the cold she still felt. And she hurt so bad. Everything tingled, burned, and ached almost more than she could handle.

Jac and Sharlee knocked on the door. “How are we doing in here? You gave us a fright, Rebecca.”

“I’m sorry, sir.”

“Becky how are you feeling?” asked Sharlee.

“Better.” Another shiver ran through her body as the warmth replaced the cold. But it also started her head to pound more. She moaned.

“She is in a lot of pain. Baby girl, is your head hurting more now? That’s the warmth. I’m sorry, hon.”

A nurse briskly entered the room. “Feeling warmer?” She didn’t wait for a response. “Let’s get you down for your scan and make sure all is well where you hit your head. Do you remember anything?”

Becky started to move her head, which elicited a groan. “No.”

She wasn’t sharing anything with them that was important. If she told them she thought that someone did it on purpose, and it wasn’t just her falling into the ditch by accident, they would think she remembered wrong due to hitting her head. But she wouldn’t change her mind. She knew it was done purposely.

“Well, it will come back. You’re likely still in some shock. Okay, here we go.” She had an aide with her, and they pushed the bed out with great efficiency. “We will return.”

Carter paced as he waited for them to bring back his girl. He wasn’t letting her out of his sight from now on. Shit, he just did. He turned to follow her, and a firm hand pushed against his shoulder. Garrett was standing in his way.

“I’ve got to follow them. I let them take her, and I can’t let her out of my sight yet. I could have lost her.”

“I’ll walk with you. I know it seems as though you failed her. It isn’t true, but it’s where we alphas go in our heads, according to Callie. But honestly, that isn’t the problem. Thinking we need to tighten things up is fine. The real trouble is when we begin to believe it was our fault, that we could have prevented things if we had only been there. Now that isn’t sustainable, and we are more likely to lose our girl if we go down that road.”

“Things are different between Becky and me. Our dynamic includes me taking over sometimes. I mean in every way. It’s a stress reliever for her and, oddly, for me too.”

Even as he thought it, he knew that wouldn’t fly unless his girl needed it. She was a nurturer. She took care of everyone around her long before she examined her own needs. That’s why he usually took over. She needed it but didn’t say she did.

It ate him up inside that he couldn’t share with her why he was so hesitant to have children. He wanted them with her. They would be so beautiful, and she would be the most incredible mom. That ability, however, didn’t override his fear of what he knew would happen if he fathered children. It seemed like everything in their life circled around this one roadblock. Damn.

Jac and Sharlee had taken the information back to the others who were sitting in the waiting room. Garrett must have sensed that he needed that extra support. Odd, because it was usually Monroe, but now that Mallory had found out she was pregnant,even though she was still spending most mornings puking, he was less likely to leave her alone. Jessie was seven months now, and Mark had gone from stern and stoic to catering to her every need and smiling at inopportune moments.

Jac and Sharlee had decided to wait another year, and they were going to have their last child.

Sharlee had said, “We don’t want Storm to be the only child. Kids lose that peer understanding that comes with a sibling bond if they are only children.”

While not essential, both Jac and Sharlee were only children and wanted a sibling for their son. Kaden and Ivy were young and weren’t sure they wanted that in their life. Children would take away from Ivy’s carefree lifestyle. Kaden said he was fine either way. So, only time would tell how that played out. Mark and Jessie seemed content with one, for now anyway, and so did Monroe. Well, when they had their first.

Garrett spoke, interrupting Carter’s inner musings while they sat in the chairs outside the radiology department. “Mark left Jessie with the housekeeper, but he’s going home as soon as we’re sure what the next move is. Jac is discussing it now.”

“Where’s Levi?”

“Still finishing up his assignment. It should be tomorrow. I think it’s time we had a meeting about what Becky thinks actually happened.”

“I don’t want to say I don’t believe it’s true because she was adamant, but how could that be? A truck pushing the snow on her, purposely?” Carter rubbed the back of his neck. “I have a guy plow our drive, but he usually does it in the middle of the night or the middle of the afternoon.”

Garrett gazed into the long hallway. “I don’t know, man, but Becky is a straight shooter, and if she says that’s what happened, I have to believe her.”

“But who would do that?”

“No fucking idea.”

“Yet,” said Carter.

Becky rolled by and Carter grabbed her hand and walked with them back to the room. Garrett nodded and returned in the direction of the waiting room.

Chapter 5