As he kissed her his hands worked on the zip of her dress. She wriggled her arms free so he could slide the fabric from her. Then she stood clad only in her white bra and kitten heels. No panties.

He stepped back and gazed down at her. ‘Every inch is perfection, isn’t it?’

Hearing a slight edge in his words, she felt the need for some Steffi Leigh protection. ‘You’re surprised?’

He glanced up. ‘No.’ His expression softened. ‘Can I undo your hair?’

‘You’ve undone everything else about me...’ she muttered, half rueful now.

He shook his head. ‘Not really. Not yet. I want to see you dishevelled. All messed up and sweaty.’

Hadn’t he already? She’d been on her back with her legs spread and her naked butt hanging out for all the world to see while he sucked her. Now her face flamed at the recollection, while between her thighs her body slicked, readying again.

‘You don’twantme to see you messy?’ His eyes narrowed as he misinterpreted the reason for the colour surging into her face. ‘That just makes me want to do it more.’ He laughed as he leaned close. ‘You might like it.’

‘Then do your worst,’ she invited in a Steffi Leigh coo. ‘Make me sweat.’

She stood still as he walked behind her. Very slowly, carefully, he removed the pins from her hair. She felt it loosening, then he ran his fingers the length of it as he freed it.

‘It’s longer than I realised. And more red,’ he muttered—a sultry whisper in her ear as he gently massaged the nape of her neck. ‘I’ve wanted to do this all afternoon.’

Just as he’d wanted to see her wet and ready for him?

‘What else was on your mental checklist?’ she asked, trying to sound cool, but now her voice was too wavery to pull it off.

‘You’re the one with the lists,’ he teased. ‘What’s onyourlist?’

Somanythings. All which required him to be naked. Which he still wasn’t.

He moved, switching off the bath taps, then turned back to her. Another kiss, and a movement as he unclasped her bra.

‘Smooth...’ she murmured.

‘You haven’t seen anything yet,’ he drawled, then dropped to kneel at her feet. Carefully he removed one shoe, then the other.

‘You’re treating me like a princess,’ she said as he picked her up again.

‘That’s abadthing?’ he teased, and lowered her into the water.

It lapped over her body, so warm and smelling so good, every bit as deep and luxurious as she’d imagined it would be. But how could she truly appreciate it when there was something else she wanted more?

He stood back, hands on hips, watching her.

‘You’re not going to join me?’ she asked, almost ready to pout.

The bath was plenty big enough for two. And if it wasn’t she could cope with going doubledecker. A thought which would have shocked her if she’d been able to think beyond this want. For someone not that experienced, she’d lost all inhibition quickly.

‘Not this time,’ he answered with a choked laugh. But he stepped forward and braced himself over the bath to look down at her. ‘Is it as good as you thought it’d be?’

‘I can’t concentrate on the view of the forest when you’re standing over me like that,’ she said. ‘And I’m in the mood to touch, not to look.’

She twisted her fist into the front of his shirt and pulled. Heard his laugh and then the splash as he half tumbled in. But the best thing was the slam of his body into hers.

She didn’t care if he was half drowning her. He waswithher, and that was what she wanted.

‘Kiss me,’ she demanded. ‘And get naked.’

‘So finally we get to your list?’ he teased, kissing her.