And now her brain clicked on. Dazed, she tried to absorb the fact that within two minutes of him kissing her she’d been willing to let him do anything and everything to her. It was shocking.
And she’d wanted to do it all to him.
She still did.
‘You’re staying,’ he said.
He kept hold of her hand and pulled her to her feet.
She nodded and quickly pushed her skirt down. ‘But I need to make a call.’
She turned away from him, tugging to free her hand. He wouldn’t let her go. Instead he tugged right back, turning her to face him again.
He cupped her face with his other hand—feeling the heat of her cheek with his palm. ‘You’re embarrassed?’
She hated the concern that had sprung to his eyes. ‘I don’t normally behave this way,’ she mumbled.Too honest.But she couldn’t not be honest in this moment. Not after what they’d just shared—what he’d given her.
There was a moment’s silence.
‘Well, you should,’ he said simply. ‘And you shouldn’t be embarrassed.’
He bent and picked her panties up from the ground, shoving them into his pocket.
How could she not be embarrassednow?
He straightened and held out his hand. ‘Let’s go inside.’
As she put her hand in his she saw his sudden smile. In a second—she had no idea how—he’d scooped her into his arms.
‘You’re going to carry me up all those stairs?’
‘I have energy to burn.’
He was actually jogging?
‘Don’t waste it on this.’ She was only half joking.
‘Holding you close could never be a waste of energy.’
‘Oh,nowyou’re charming?’
‘I’m always charming,’ he countered.
She laughed. Sonot.
He swiftly climbed the stairs, then went straight through the bedroom and into the bathroom and set her on her feet.
‘What are you doing?’ She leaned back against the wall, her body still too tingly. Too needy.
‘I saw the look on your face when you first saw this bath.’ He flicked on the taps. ‘I want to see you enjoy it.’ She wanted to enjoyhimmore first.
He chuckled as he walked towards her. ‘The thing about staying the night is that now you have the time to enjoy itall:
Yeah, but she still hadpriorities.
‘You want more of me?’ he teased, pulling her to lean against him again.
‘Arrogant much?’ she tried to tease back. But shedidwant more. And he knew it.