Page 43 of Timber

“Sit girl, we can chat while you’re finishing up your breakfast before we get into the heavy stuff,” Levi says as she sits down at the kitchen table. Grabbing my plate and coffee, I move to sit down with them.

We chat about little stuff and they all agree to go shopping with me later. Sasha was thrilled when I said I loved what she had gotten me before. But since I’m not as familiar with them, and the fact that Thor and Liam aren’t too far away, I say nothing about the sexy lingerie. She winks at me, as if she knows what I’m thinking about, which has me blushing.

I’d just finished the last of my bacon when Thor curses. Looking over at him, he’s showing something to Liam on his phone, and both of them look extremely angry.

“Is... is something wrong?” I ask, afraid that Smoke’s done something else.

Both Thor and Liam share a look, which seems to make Liam even madder.

“Sorry ladies, but we need to get to Church. Mae, I’m going to need you to come with us,” Thor says instead of answering my question.

My stomach sinks. Oh, God. This is it. Time to see if they’ll side with Smoke or if they’ll help me. My gaze goes to Liam. God, I hope they help me. I don’t want to leave him.

I’m fucking pissed. Smoke’s destroying the common room with this new news and I’m worried like fuck about how Sunshine’s going to take it. Phoenix texted some of the things Smoke’s ranting about and I already have my suspicions that they’re false. Then there are others that I for sure know are false.

I’ve seen Mae’s arms and there’s no needle tracks. Granted, I know that’s not the only way to take drugs, but I honestly don’t think she has. No, I think someone is messing with us to get us to deny Mae protection.

Looking over at Sunshine, she’s white as a ghost and her hands are trembling. Fuck, I really don’t want her to have to share everything like this, but it looks like we have no choice. Walking over to her, I squat down in front of her and take her hands, kissing the backs of them before looking up at her.

“Sunshine, can you grab all the documents you wanted to show Smoke? I think we’re going to need them.”

Her worry visibly increases at my words. “With how he’s been, though, I don’t want him to have the originals. Especially my real birth certificate and my ‘death’ certificate. There’s no way I’ll be able to replace those. If I bring everything there, I risk him destroying them and then there goes some of my proof against what he said yesterday.”

“Mae, I’ll give you my word that he won’t be able to destroy your stuff, but I gotta know before we head in there. What all did Smoke accuse you of yesterday?” Thor asks.

I didn’t think it was possible, but Sunshine’s face pales even more as she licks her lips nervously.

“He called me a whore and implied I’d have sex in exchange for drugs so I can get my next fix. He accused me of also being a dealer for Preston and that I ran drugs for him and my mom. That I use my body to bring in more customers for him. That I allow him to pimp me out. He said that there probably isn’t a man in town that I haven’t slept with. That I’d take a man in every hole and sometimes two men in my whoo-ha at the same time. He said I was trying to get cozy with the club to try and get an ex-boyfriend taken out. That I was probably already pregnant with some crack-head’s baby. And the one that really confused me was that I probably helped Preston with bringing in women. I don’t know what he meant by that.”

I have to fight to keep from launching off my feet and going after Smoke. His ass is mine for what he’s said and what he’s put her through already. And that’s not even counting what’s gonna go on in Church in a bit.

She pauses and licks her lips nervously again. “None of what he said is true. I’ve never done drugs, smoked or drank alcohol. I’ve never even been in a relationship with anyone, let alone a sexual one. Heck, my first kiss was from Timber yesterday.” Her cheeks heat and I know she’s remembering what we just did, judging by how she’s squirming in her seat a little.

Taking her hands, I pull her to her feet and kiss her forehead. “How about you go get everything you need, Sunshine? Then we’ll head over to the clubhouse.”

Nodding weakly, she heads upstairs without another word.

Once she’s out of sight, I turn back to Thor. “This is fucked up and you know it.”

His jaw clenches but he nods in agreement.

“I agree. There’s no way she did any of what he said. Not after the little she told us yesterday as well as our little chat one-on-one in the bathroom before Smoke tried to corner her that second time. I mean, I know I said this before, but for fuck’s sake, the woman tries her damndest not to swear because she wants to own and run her own daycare once she gets certified. That’s some next level dedication shit, in my opinion. Besides, someone who wants to own her own daycare wouldn’t be pumping themselves full of drugs or spreading their legs for any and every asshole that crosses her path.” Sasha fumes as she crosses her arms over her chest.

Levi nods in agreement as she stares down at her phone. “Something smells fishy here. I think someone’s messing with us to keep us from protecting Mae. They want us out of the way so they can get to her easier.”

Thor must have sent her a screenshot of the messages Phoenix sent him.

“But who would have found out where she was already? Other than texting her friend Peggy yesterday, she said she didn’t tell anyone where she was going. And from what Mae told me, there is no way Peggy would tell him where she was,” Susie says.

“I’m betting that asshole Preston guessed that she somehow found out about Smoke and came here. Mae was worried that he’d guess she came straight to Smoke. We’ll just have to see what’s all in the envelope that was sent to Smoke when we get to Church,” I say, trying to contain my anger and not go after Smoke right now.

As we wait for Mae to come downstairs, I continue to fume. It’s going to be hard to not launch myself at Smoke the moment I see him. “Is Smoke at least sober now?”

Thor gives me a chin lift. “He is. Made sure Phoenix saw to that since we were coming here. I had planned to talk to Smoke after speaking with Mae, but that’s now gone to shit with this new clusterfuck.”

“I’m sorry. I-I didn’t mean to cause problems for the club by coming here. M-maybe I should just leave,” Mae says softly from behind me.

Spinning on my heel, I see her standing at the base of the stairs. I hadn’t even heard her coming down the stairs.