Page 44 of Timber

Her arms are wrapped around her waist, and she’s sunk in on herself as she stares at her feet. Her eyes are shiny with unshed tears and fuck does that twist my gut. I hate seeing my sunshine cry.

“Get that leaving shit out of your head, Sunshine. I don’t give a fuck what Smoke says. I want you as my Old Lady, wife, and mother of my children. You aren’t ever leaving me, baby,” I say as I quickly cross the room to her and wrap her in my arms.

Fuck, she can’t leave. Not when I just found her.

“But I don’t want to be the reason the club’s divided. I know how much you love being part of the club. I could never ask you to leave them. As much as I’m in love with you, I can’t ask you to leave the club. I just can’t.”

Tears streak down her face, but I barely notice them.

She said she loved me.

“Fucking love you, too, Sunshine.” I slam my lips to hers, trying to put all my emotions into the kiss so she knows it’s true. I’d fucking die for this woman.

Pulling back, I dry her cheeks. “If need be, I’ll put in a transfer. Reaper already said that we could stay at their clubhouse if things got too tense here. Doubt he’d be against it.”

“You can’t transfer. Your business. You said your uncle left it to you when he retired,” she says and I shake my head.

“I can always look into opening a branch and putting someone else in charge of this location. Stop trying to think up excuses, Sunshine, cause I’m not letting you go. Not after finally finding you.”

Fresh tears stream down her face and she finally nods. A sniffling sound comes from behind me and I turn, only to find Levi, Nikki, and Susie dabbing at their eyes whereas Sasha’s grinning like a loon, a pen twirling in her fingers.

“Don’t mind me, hormones are running crazy today,” Levi says as she wipes her eyes and Thor passes her some tissues.

“How about we head over to the clubhouse?” Thor asks, as he watches Sunshine.

Mae nods, and she moves to the kitchen as the rest of the women get up from their seats. Picking up her plate, she downs the rest of her coffee and puts her dishes in the sink. Turning to the counter, she picks up my plate, still piled high with food, and sets it in the fridge. Grabbing a water bottle, she slips on her shoes and finally comes back over to me. Wrapping my arm around her, I pull her into my side. Giving Thor a chin lift, we head out and I lock up the house.

We’re silent as we make the short walk up to the clubhouse. Thor opens the door, and the ladies all gasp when we step inside. Colt, Ethan, and Alexei all pause with cleaning up when they hear us enter. I don’t see Drae, so he must be at the gate.

The room is trashed even worse than I thought.

Tables are upturned. Chairs are thrown about, and a few are broken. There’s also a few broken bottles or glasses scattered across the floor. Turning toward the pool table area, a few cues are broken, but otherwise the tables are intact.

Colt’s the first to snap out of it and starts sweeping a path into Church, getting the broken glass out of the way. Alexei does the same but over to the couches where Sadie and Jordan are watching a movie.

Mae darts from my side over to the kids with the other women hot on her heels. “Are you two okay?” She frantically looks both of them over and both kids instantly throw themselves at her.

“MaeMae! You can’t leave! Don’t let Uncle Smoke make you leave,” Sadie cries as she buries her head in Sunshine’s neck. The look on Sunshine’s face is like a sucker punch to my gut. I’m going to ream Smoke’s ass for doing this in front of the kids. They could have been hurt.

Thor steps closer, and Mae nods at him. He’s pissed as fuck, but thankfully, he’s keeping a lid on it in front of the kids and ladies.

She hugs both kids tight, then pulls back, drying their tears. “It’ll be okay. We’re going to go into Church and get everything sorted out. How about when I’m done in there, we go over to Timber’s house and we can watch movies there?”

Her gaze finds mine over the kids’ shoulders, and I give her a chin lift. I’d rather have the kids over there than around all the broken glass and wood. And who knows how Smoke will be after we get done with Church?

Relief fills her and she kisses both of their foreheads before standing and walking back over to me. Susie and Nikki are quick to take her place as they check over their children and hug them tight.

“Timber, is it okay if we head over to your house right away? Don’t really want the kids to get hurt and who knows what the asshole will do when he gets out of Church.” Sasha whispers as she steps closer to me.

“Yeah, it’s fine with me. There should be some popcorn in the pantry. Go all out and get them comfortable. Hate that they had to see this.”

“Same, brother,” Thor bites out. He turns and gives the Prospects a chin lift. “Colt, when you’re done in here, go over and watch the perimeter of Timber’s house. Alexei and Ethan, when we’re done, I’ll have some stuff I need you to scan as quick as possible.”

“You got it, Prez. I already hooked up a laptop and portable scanner by Timber’s usual spot in case Mae wanted to show something to everyone on the big screen. Ethan said she had a bunch of papers with her,” Alexei says with a nod toward Ethan before he starts cleaning again.

I give him a chin lift and lead Mae over to Church. Before I go in, I put my phone in the basket on the bar and ask for Mae’s as well. She looks up at me, confused.

“Only Thor and Phoenix are allowed phones in Church unless there’s a special circumstance. Everyone else puts theirs in the basket.”