Page 168 of Thor & Dragon

[portiti ikh kozhu?] = Marring their skin?

???????? [piercing?] = Piercings?

?????? [nogti?] = Nails?

??????? [volos?] = Hair?

? ?????, ??? ? ???? ???????, ? ????? ????????? ?????????.

[ya dumaiu, chto vie ethom poryadkoye, a zathem neskolko surprise.]

= I’m thinking that order and then a few surprises.

??, ??, ????? ????, ??????? ???????????? ???????? ?????

[da, noh, moget byt, nemnogo ispolzovat zhelezny drin.]

= Yes, but maybe a little bar work, too.

??? ????????? ???????? ??????????.

[eto vygljadelo dovolno boleznenno.] = That looked rather painful.

??, ??, ??? ? ????. [da, da, thuck yi bylo.] = Yes, yes it did.

?? ???????? ???? ??????? ????, ????? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ????????? ???????.

[on poprosil menia skazat tebe, chtoby the zadal travisu tvoi poslednie voprosy.]

= He asked me to tell you to ask Travis your final questions.

????? ?? ?????? ????????? ????.

[togda vy mozhete zakonchit delo.] = Then you can end it.

???????? ????????????? ???????.

[ostavte metallicheskiye lifchiki.] = Leave the metal bras on.

??????????? ???, ? ????? ???, ????? ? ??? ??????.

[ispolzuyte eto, a zathem eto, kogda ya dayou signal.]

= Use this and then this when I give the signal.

After we got the bodies prepped, Phoenix and Devil said they had planned a party tonight for my patching in, and that they already called the caterers so we wouldn’t have to cook.

The guys let Sasha and I have the showers first, but I take one look at the small shower stalls and frown.

“Yup, not gonna work.”

“I wondered about that with your stitches. You do you and I’ll hurry so the guys can get in here for their turns. I can always go up to Colt’s room for a better shower if need be. Too bad they didn’t plan to have another bathroom or divide it off so that it’s like a girls and guys locker room.”

“That’s not a bad idea for if we ever have to remodel.”

As Sasha hops in the shower, I settle on using soap where possible and baby wipes in other areas to clean up as best as I can before slipping into clean clothes.

I learned from Nikki that baby wipes are very resourceful for cleaning up small messes. She still uses them around the house or on road trips, even though Sadie’s seven years old.