“Same, Spitfire. You’re badass enough on your own that you don’t need a property rocker. Anyone that crosses you will end up with at least one blade in them. Also, I’d love it if you were an Enforcer with me. We could get up to so much fun together,” he says, wiggling his eyebrows at me.
I don’t reply to that except for smiling and hugging him, because I think that’s a conversation we really need to have in private before it goes any further.
“Alright, we need to focus and get back on track! I accept the patch, but Phoenix, could you please box it back up until we’re done with these assholes? I don’t want any blood or bodily fluids on my new cut. Now, who wants to do the honors with these guys?”
Andre makes sure I have one of the spikey dicks as he calls them, and then he, Dragon, Punisher, Bear, Sasha and I get to work.
Slipping new gloves on, I take Monica since she attempted to rape Dragon before. Ignoring their cries for a quick death, I shove the deactivated dildo into her cunt and put on the strap, making sure it’ll stay secure. Then I insert the regular dildo and secure it.
“???????? ????????????? ???????,” I tell Sasha and then point to a button on the bra remote. “??????????? ???, ? ????? ???, ????? ? ??? ??????.”
She nods and I know she understands my meaning. This is their equivalent of the spikey cock rings.
Once everyone is strapped up, but before giving the signal, I walk over to Travis. He has tears streaming down his face.
“What did you gain by doing this, Travis?”
“I was hoping to gain you and negotiate with Sanchez. I’ve loved you since I first saw you.”
For the first time since his betrayal, he actually looks like the Travis I used to know.
“I wasn’t yours for the taking. I never saw you that way. Yeah, you were cute, but there was no spark. You were my friend and a man I considered my brother. When you were unable to accept that, you betrayed me in one of the worst ways. Tell the devil I said hello.”
Walking back to the table, we activate the devices and the cries that fill the room are deafening. Thank fuck this room is soundproof.
After a few moments, I hand out the remotes for the regular dildos. Seconds later, the cries increase as their bodies writhe in pain. I wait a couple more minutes and then nod to Sasha. We hit the button that sends the spiked barbs at the end of the rods deeper into their breasts before they start rotating.
When I think they’ve suffered enough for the pain they’ve caused, I pick up my knife and walk behind the women. Grabbing their hair, I drag my blade across their necks to speed up the process. Dragon and Andre help with the men.
When Patch and Doc confirm they’re all dead, I flip a latch open on the back of the remotes and show the guys how to retract the spikes so they get the devices out without ripping them out of the bodies with the spikes still protruded. Once the devices are removed, we immediately set about cleaning them, but my men ban me from the bleach baths.
“We don’t want you getting bleach in any of your wounds, Wildcat. Besides, I don’t know what breathing in all those fumes would do to the babies.”
I give them each a kiss. “I’ll help with other things then, and when they’re all wrapped up, I’ll get cleaned up. There are tools and instructions in the boxes for the bras. Same for the spikey dicks and cock rings to remove the spikes from their tracks so we can fully clean them and not leave any traces.”
“Fuck, you thought of everything, Spitfire.”
“Well, I did have seven years to plot, but it was my friends that got it all to work for me.”
“Should we be worried about these friends of yours talking?” Devil asks.
“Nope, because I know all the skeletons in their closets, too. Plus, we have an airtight gag between the three of us. If one of us spills without the consent of the other two, repercussions are listed. Besides, they knew who I had intended to use these on and why. People who end up down here that have done similar things will also get the same treatment. They know these tools aren’t for innocents and they’re okay with that. They even said if I need more tools designed in the future to let them know.”
“Will we ever get to meet these friends, Wildcat?”
“I’ll ask them, but I can’t guarantee that they’ll want to unveil themselves.”
“As long as they won’t throw us under the bus, then we won’t throw them under the bus,” Andre says.
I give him a hug and get to work.
??? ?? ???????, ? ???? ??? ??????? ???????
[kak vy dumaete, s chego nam sledweth nachat?]
= What do you think we should start with?
??????? ?? ?????