Page 19 of Breaker

“We have a job for you,” he said. “We need you to find Rob Grayson. You should remember him. He was one of your best customers.”

“Why him? What’s the deal?” Sledge asked. “Rob’s no one. A complete waste of space.”

“Let’s just say he’s become a thorn in our side,” Snake replied cryptically. “We need to send Breaker and his bitch a message. No one messes with us and gets away with it.”

Sledge chuckled. “Consider it done, President. I’ll find the bastard and make sure he regrets ever crossing us.”

“You can mess him up a little but I need him alive,” Snake told Sledge.

“Understood. I’ll begin the search immediately. Won’t take long. I know the losers Rob usually hangs out with,” Sledge said, eagerly rubbing his hands.


Rob sat on his friend’s expensive couch with his cell phone pressed against his ear. He was sober enough to process what his little sister was telling him. Relief washed over him as she told him about the close call with Rat and Breaker saving her.

Rob should be the one there for her, not some strange biker she just met. Then again, Rob hadn’t been there for Riley since their parents’ death. Guilt hit him deep.

“Rob, you don’t have to worry about Snake and the Vipers,” Riley was telling him. “Please come back home, so we can get you some help.”

“I’ll think about it,” he replied, his voice choking with emotion.

As he ended the call, Rob felt a surge of anger welling up inside him. He was angry at himself for succumbing to his addiction, for becoming a burden to his family, and for putting Riley in danger because of his own mistakes.

“This has to stop,” he muttered to himself, clenching his fists. “I can’t keep living like this.”

Determined to turn his life around, Rob got up from the couch and began packing his meager belongings. He wanted to go home, to apologize to Riley, meet this Breaker guy, and start fresh. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to try.

As he carefully folded his clothes, he caught sight of a small photo of him and Riley from happier times, before his life had spiraled out of control. The sight of her smiling face brought a pang of guilt to his heart. Ever since their parents’ death, Rob’s mind felt covered in fog. Losing himself to drugs was easier than facing reality. That had to change.

“I’m so sorry, Riley,” he whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. “I promise I’ll be better.”

Just as he was about to zip up his bag, a loud knock on the apartment door startled him. It was probably his friend Jack, with more crack.

The temptation to have just a little bit arose, but he thought of Riley and their recent call. Rob took a deep breath before opening the door. It would be difficult to tell Jack he wanted to quit. Heck, all his friends might just end up laughing at him, but he had to try. He opened the door.

“Jack, hey, I got to tell you something important,” Rob began, then forgot the rest of his words. It wasn’t his friend on the doorstep but his old dealer, Sledge.

“Hey, Rob,” Sledge said with a smirk. “Long time no see.”

Chapter Nine

Riley made Breaker a hearty breakfast on the big day of the operation. She didn’t know what else to do. Part of her didn’t want him to go.

Facing off the cartel with a rival club was dangerous, but Riley knew she couldn’t stand in his way. The Los Sombros Cartel threatened the Death Seekers MC’s way of life, and the people living in the territory the bikers protected.

The smell of sizzling bacon and brewing coffee filled the air as she bustled around the kitchen, focusing on the task at hand, trying to keep her thoughts from spiraling into a whirlwind of worry. A mixture of emotions swirled within Riley’s heart, the overwhelming fear of what could happen warring with the determination to stand by Breaker’s side.

“Hey,” Breaker said, interrupting her thoughts.

He gently took the plate she was washing. Riley could’ve used the dishwasher but she needed a distraction. Breaker set the plate down and unthinkingly, Riley used her fingers to trace the familiar and rugged contours of his face. She loved this man so much. Riley couldn’t even conceive of what would happen if she lost him.

“You’re gonna be all right, Breaker,” Riley whispered. She was trying to reassure herself as much as him.

Breaker curved his lips to a half-smile. He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze.

“Don’t you worry about me, sweetheart,” he replied, using her affectionate nickname. “I’ve got Rage, the best crew at my side, and we’re in this together.”

She nodded, acknowledging his words.