Page 20 of Breaker

“I know,” she murmured, her fingers tightening around his. “But I can’t help feeling like a sitting duck. I need to do something, anything, to help you face whatever’s out there.”

With a gentle yet insistent tug, Breaker drew Riley into his embrace, their bodies fitting together as if they were two halves of a whole. His eyes bore into hers with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

“You’ve already done more than you know,” Breaker said.

Riley’s heart raced as his lips descended upon hers once again, a slow and tender kiss that spoke volumes of their unspoken promises. She welcomed the warmth of his embrace, her fingers curling into his shirt as if to anchor him to her.

Reluctantly, Breaker pulled away, his eyes lingering on Riley’s face as if memorizing every detail. He brushed a strand of hair away from her cheek, his thumb tracing the curve of her jaw. “Come back to me, Breaker,” she whispered, her voice raw with emotion.

“I promise,” Breaker answered, his words a silent vow. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

As Breaker walked outside to join his waiting crew, Riley followed, her heart heavy with a mix of longing and apprehension. The hum of the engines mingled with the laughter of the bikers.

Riley’s eyes met those of two prospects who had been assigned to watch over her, a silent understanding passing between them. Since Rat’s break-in, she was never to be left alone—a protective measure that weighed as a necessity and a reminder of the dangers that lurked.

A shiver ran down Riley’s spine as she watched Breaker give the signal to depart. The roar of engines grew louder, the vibrations echoing through her bones. She wrapped her arms around herself, a sudden chill settling over her. She remained rooted to the spot until the last biker disappeared from view.

Once every biker was gone, she headed back inside the house. The house felt emptier in Breaker’s absence, a void that echoed the uncertainties that clouded Riley’s thoughts.

She glanced around the silent interior, her mind restless and searching for an outlet. Her bartending services wouldn’t be needed tonight, with most of the club involved in the operation.

Riley wandered through the rooms, her fingers trailing along familiar surfaces as if seeking solace in the touch of the familiar. A book caught her eye and Riley picked it up. Settling onto the couch, she nestled into its soft cushions, ready to get lost in the pages of the book.

Her phone beeped, a jarring interruption to the calm she had sought. Riley’s brows furrowed as she retrieved the device from the pocket of her jeans, her heart fluttering with a mixture of expectation and anxiety. Swiping the screen, she anticipated a text from Breaker.

However, her eyes widened in surprise as she read the message. It wasn’t Breaker, it was Rob, her brother.

Rob: I’ve booked a bus back home. I’ll arrive tomorrow. Can I see you?

Her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she considered her response. Rob’s recent attempts to reconnect with her had been different, marked by a change that gave her a glimmer of hope. Yet, experience had taught her to tread cautiously

After their last phone call, Rob had sounded different, more sober, but she never expected him to turn over a new leaf right away. Riley knew his pattern. He’d make promises he would never keep. The next time he’d contact her, it would be to ask for money to keep his drug addiction going. But maybe not. Hope flared in her chest. Things were finally looking up for her family.

Breaker said the operation might take two to three days at the most. He told her to stay put but Riley didn’t think he’d mind if she met up with her brother. Riley would tell Breaker that she’d bring the two prospects along for extra security. That would ease his mind.

Riley immediately replied to her brother.

Riley: Let’s have dinner. I can’t wait to see you. What time are you arriving?

Rob texted back a time and place. Riley hugged her phone to her chest, a mix of anticipation and apprehension coursing through her veins. She wanted desperately to believe that this time things could be different, that the cycle of broken promises might finally be stopped.

In her mind’s eye, Riley envisioned a version of her brother that was healthy, vibrant, and free from the grip of addiction. She imagined introducing him to Breaker, the man who had become the steadfast anchor in her own life. A smile tugged at her lips as she pictured the two men navigating their differences, slowly forming a bond rooted in mutual respect and understanding.

But the reality of the impending operation against the cartel loomed large, a stark reminder that the future was uncertain and unpredictable. She had faith in Breaker and his brothers, Riley reminded herself, then turned her attention to her book.


It took two days for Breaker and his crew to travel to their destination. In the heart of the desert, a makeshift camp had been set up as their base of operations. Tents flapped in the evening breeze, and the flickering light of campfires danced across apprehensive faces.

Everyone was on edge, which was understandable. Both clubs had their guards up. They knew any wrong move or word could make the other group turn on them. Breaker, backed by Rage and Cross, made his way to the center of the camp.

Snake was already there, along with Razor, his VP. Snake and Breaker silently sized each other up. Breaker knew they weren’t on friendly terms, especially after he paid off Riley’s debts. Snake spoke up first.

“We ain’t exactly drinkin’ buddies, Breaker. I’ll never forget what you did to Rat or the way you took that woman from me,” Snake drawled. He pitched his voice louder, so everyone could hear him. “But these cartel bastards are a different kind of poison. We need to take ‘em down, or we’re all gonna end up buried in the same desert.”

“You’re right. Los Sombros needs to be wiped out, and I’d rather see them bleed before I do,” Breaker said. It was best to avoid straying from the main topic. To play nice, so the operation would run smoothly.

“Let’s go over the plan,” Snake said.