I quickly snatch it and place it over my lap before she can notice my erection. She bites down on her lip and sits next to me. Has she already noticed? But why would she be staring at my cock?

Unless she bent over like that on purpose...

I try to focus on the box and its contents. It’s filled with books and letters. Adriana takes the letters and goes through them.

“I can’t read any of this.” She furrows her brow. “The handwriting is so weird.”

“Let me take a look.”

She hands me the letter.

It takes me a moment, but I can read it. “This is my grandpa’s handwriting. My grandma and grandpa’s marriage was arranged by their parents, but they wrote each other letters for months before the wedding to get to know each other better.”

“Aww. Love letters? That’s so sweet! But I can’t imagine marrying someone I haven’t even truly met.”

“They had no choice. It was either the letters or nothing.”

“These days, people would just exchange their numbers and text. Or talk over the phone. The safe stuff. Can you imagine someone listening in to hear some top-secret mafia info and all they get to hear is phone sex?” She laughs.

“Phone sex?” My eyebrows shoot up. “What do you know about phone sex? Do you have some experience?”

My jaw clenches at the thought, and I don’t even know why. But she’s just messing with me. Has to be. There’s no way her family would’ve allowed her to do that, except she’s very resourceful, so maybe—

“I do. It was fun. Kind of hilarious too.”

“And who was brave enough to be on the other end of the line?” And why wasn’t it me?

“Just some random guys I found online. It’s super easy to find them, and I had a burner phone and never told anyone the truth about anything. Why are you looking at me like that? If it turned too gross, I just ended the call.”

“You could’ve just texted me if you were bored. I could’ve called you,” I tease. “I could’ve sent you some photos too.” I wink at her.

“Ew! You send dick pics to women? Seriously?” She makes a face, but her eyes dance with amusement.

“No, I don’t. But I would’ve sent one to you.”

“Of course you would. You hate me.”

“Hey, I have a nice cock. Wanna see?” I grin.

She picks up a book and throws it at me. I duck, and something falls out of the book right at my feet. It’s a postcard. I pick it up.

“Sicily,” Adriana says, her brow furrowing.

“Yeah.” I turn over the postcard. “It’s from five years ago.”

“Is it from Flavio?”

“It doesn’t say, but probably.”

Who else would send my grandma a postcard from Sicily and not even sign their name on it?

“She’s in touch with him then,” Adriana says.

“I don’t know. Maybe. Or this is just one postcard and nothing more. It doesn’t have to mean they’re still talking to each other.”

“But your grandma hid it inside a book. Why do that? And what does it say on the back?”

“Not much.”