Something like that would probably be too much for Claudia, but Salvatore’s mom could insist on coming back with us. Maybe Salvatore can tell his mom the truth, though. It would make things easier.

I should’ve never agreed to do this. It looks like things are only getting more complicated, and I could end up stuck with Salvatore for a bit longer than I thought.

I don’t want that to happen because I don’t want to fantasize about him pushing me against the railing and kissing me until our lips are bruised. A tingle shoots through me, and I take a deep breath.

Oh hell. He already has this weird effect on me that he shouldn’t have. I hate him, and that’s not going to change.

Even if he returns with the most delicious hot chocolate ever.




Everyone’sout of the house except Adriana and me. My grandma went out for a walk with my mom, and since my grandma needs to sit down often to rest, it’s going to take them a while. The rest of the family is out in the city, and I don’t expect them to return until sunset.

It’s the perfect time to look around. If my grandma or anyone else is still in contact with Flavio, there might be some proof in their rooms. Snooping through their stuff isn’t something I ever imagined I’d do, but I don’t have a choice.

It’s the easiest way. Sure, it would be stupid to have something like that just lying around, but who knows? Everyone would expect me to look into my enemies, not my family. They might not even know what’s really going on. Flavio could be in touch with them for information, but he might not have told them anything about his plan. If there is one.

I hate how uncertain everything is. I’m always on top of things, and a situation like this one is both unexpected and unnerving. But it’s only been a few days. I’ll figure it out.

“I need your help,” I say to Adriana.

I could do it all on my own, but why slow myself down? Two pairs of eyes are better than one. She might notice something that I don’t. We’ll be quicker together.

“What are you going to do?” Her eyebrows shoot up.

“There might be something in one of the rooms. A phone number. A note from Flavio. Anything.”

“Oh, okay.”

“But we need to hurry and make sure no one notices we were in there.” It would cause a scandal if my family figured it out.

They’d be mad at me for not asking them anything first, and maybe I should’ve done that already, but I need to be sure I can trust them.

What’s the point of talking to them when they’ll just tell me what they think I want to hear? And since not everyone knows about the drone yet, there’d be way too much drama about it if they found out.

I don’t want my grandma to freak out, especially if Flavio is in any way involved in this. But it might not be him. I have to be patient.

Adriana and I go through all the rooms as quickly as possible. We find nothing, so we hurry to my grandma’s room, which I left as the last one because she has a lot of things with her.

“There’s something in here,” Adriana says as she bends over to get a box from the bottom drawer of a closet.

I’m distracted because I’m too busy staring at her ass. All my blood goes to all the wrong places.

Fuck! Wrong word, because that’s exactly what I want to do to her.

Why does she keep having such an effect on me? Her jeans are tight and her ass is perfectly rounded, but I’m around hot women all the time. Not a single one of them has made me feel this way.

The need is strong. Almost overwhelming. It’s like I can barely control myself, and that usually never happens. If she were naked in front of me, then maybe it would make sense.

My cock strains against my pants. I shouldn’t have thought about Adriana naked. Now it’s even worse. I want to go to her, rip her clothes off, and bury myself deep, deep inside her.

I sit down on the bed, but it’s impossible to get comfortable.

Adriana glances at me and brings the box to me.