“Are you fucking kidding me?” Adriana snaps. “After everything you’ve done to us, you can at least—”
“All I can tell you is that it’s someone from Salvatore’s family,” Cesare says. “I gave my word not to say anything else, so I won’t.”
Adriana and I exchange a look.
“Someone from your family...” Adriana furrows her brow.
Cesare just strolls past us.
“Someone wanted a confirmation that we’re really together,” I say. “It was never about killing us or taking anything, or they would’ve forced me to sign over something to them and wouldn’t have involved Cesare. They clearly had some info your brother wanted...”
“But who would care about that so much? Why go through all the trouble?”
“It’s someone who knows us all well.”
Who could it be? I don’t think my uncles would care enough to do it, especially without wanting anything else.
But my mom? My grandma?
There’s only one way to find out.
“We need to go back to my family,” I say.
Leaving Adriana here alone isn’t an option. Actually, I don’t want her to ever leave my side again. I want her with me. I need her with me. Without her, I’d just keep worrying about her. I would miss her.
“Why? Do you know who it is?” Adriana asks.
“It’s either my mom or my grandma.”
“What? Really?”
“My money is on Grandma right now.”
Adriana arches her eyebrows. “Seriously? Your grandma?”
“She’s the only one who cares about me getting married, and she has no need for anything mine. I don’t know what Cesare’s first reaction to finding out was, but if she was the one talking to him, she could’ve talked some sense into him. She probably didn’t know about everything he was going to do, but she knew he wasn’t going to kill us. My mom is curious, but she doesn’t have all the connections or friends my grandma does, and she probably wouldn’t dare.”
“Whoa, wait. Are you saying she had someone send that drone to us? That she made us scared for our lives and then used my brother to figure out the truth about us?”
“Yeah. Whatever she had to offer to Cesare must’ve been very valuable to him.”
“Your grandma is savage.”
“She can be when she wants to.” I need to know the truth.
“Do you think she went to see my brother or something while we were away? She visited him instead of her friends?”
“Maybe. The drone and the message could’ve just been the first part of the plan, and she decided the rest based on how we reacted.”
“I’m actually speechless.” Adriana chuckles.
I was a fool for thinking I could trick my grandma. She always finds out the truth. Always.
* * *
As soon aswe get out of the car, I spot my grandma sitting in a chair in the yard. When we approach her, she gives us a wide smile.
“I was expecting you.” Her gaze lingers on the bruises on my face, but she doesn’t look surprised.