“Of course not,” I snap. “Cesare probably has plans for me, but I don’t care. I want to marry the guy I love, not someone random. Why would I want to spend the rest of my life hating my life and my husband?”

And without enough freedom to do whatever I want. It’s a death sentence, and I don’t want that.

“Yeah, that’s why I choose no one,” he says. “There’s no one out there for me, and love is meaningless. Are you sure there’s someone for a mafia princess like you?”

“I don’t know, but I hope so. I intend to find him, whether Cesare likes it or not. He’s the boss now, but he’s not my owner. I’ll do whatever I want. Maybe it’ll be a mafia guy or maybe not.” I’m never going to be a mafia boss, so who cares?

I guess I could try to live a double life. Meet an ordinary guy and tell him nothing about my family, except that they all run successful businesses. Whether the mafia thing would come out or not...

I don’t know. It’s risky, and the guy could end up hating me—or dead—if he found out the truth. Shit. Why can’t things just be simple?

“But never mind that. Let’s focus on our potential suspects and make a list.” I grab the diary and the pen Salvatore gifted me.

“You’re really hot when you get in your investigative mode.” The corners of Salvatore’s lips quirk up.

I groan. “Shut up. I know what you’re trying to do, but it’s not going to work. You’ll never get it.”

If he thinks I’m just going to hook up with him and have him add me to his probably endless list of conquests, he’s wrong. I can ignore the weird attraction that I feel just fine. Someone’s threatening us, and instead of figuring out who it is, he thinks about fucking me.

That’s just... Ugh!

“Aw, and I just wanted a pretty pen like yours.” He grins.

I sit down on the bed, trying my best to ignore him. “What about your family? Is anyone angry you’re getting married? That you might get an heir?”

His eyebrows shoot up. “An heir? Are you really ready for that step, my love?”

I press my lips into a tight line and glare at him. “Can’t you just be serious for a moment?”

“Why? I have my men working on finding our guy. What can we do that they can’t? All I have to do is wait for the results of their search. Everything else is just... entertainment. And speaking of entertainment, we could forget all this and—”

“I don’t want to hear it, and I don’t trust your men. If you die without an heir, who gets what’s yours?”

“From making an heir to my death. Adriana, you always manage to disappoint me.”

“I’m glad to hear it. So?”

“My uncle. Alessandro. He’s the oldest after my father, and without me in the picture, everything would go to him.”

“How badly does Alessandro want what’s yours?”

“He actually has a big farm with animals. He’s involved in some of our family business, but mostly money laundering and a few things here and there. I don’t think he’d want to be the boss. He’d probably let someone else have it so he can keep his peace.”

“Who’s next then?”

“His younger brother, Flavio.”

I furrow my brow. “Which one is that?”

I don’t remember anyone by that name.

“He’s not here.” Salvatore’s face goes serious.

“Why? I thought you said your whole family would be here.”

“We haven’t heard from him for a while. He’s got his own thing on Sicily. My grandma is very sad because of him. He never responds to her messages or comes to see her. I don’t know how he can be so cruel. I’m sure he knows about her condition, but he doesn’t give a fuck.” His jaw clenches.

“Do you know how well he’s doing there? Do you think he wants to come back? Maybe take over what’s yours?”