I don’t need to find out everything. Instead of thinking about him, I should think about my own family and about what I’m going to do.
Wakingup next to Adriana is pure torture. Maybe she’s not as annoying as I’ve always thought, and that only makes things harder.
Literally. I groan as I glance down at my cock.
But she’s Cesare’s sister. Fucking her would make things a whole lot more complicated. No one has to find out about our little deal and her being my fake fiancée for Christmas, but if I fuck her...
I get out of the bed and snatch my phone. Adriana is still asleep, her beautiful face completely peaceful. Too bad she didn’t wrap herself around me today. Yesterday, when she pressed her warm body against mine...
Actually, it’s better if she stays as far away as possible from me because the perfect control that I have of myself might go to hell, and I don’t want that. Adriana is not the one for me in any way.
My gaze falls on the screen of my phone, and I scowl at it. What the fuck? I quickly get dressed and rush to find the head of the security team.
“Please tell me this is a joke,” I say as I face him.
“Um, no, sir. I’d never joke about anything like that.” His brown eyes stare at me as he rubs his neck.
“A drone landed in our yard with a wrapped gift? And you let it happen?” I’m still in too much disbelief.
“Yes, sir.”
I let out a frustrated laugh. “Are you fucking kidding me? What if it was a bomb? Something dangerous? Why didn’t you bring it down before it reached the house?”
“We didn’t see it in time.”
I shake my head. “Who was patrolling the area and watching the cameras? They should’ve been able to see the damn thing! Replace those guys right now! And bring in more guards. Make sure my family doesn’t notice anything, especially my grandmother. Is that clear?”
“Yes, sir. Right away, sir.” He pulls out his phone.
“What’s in the box?”
“Huh?” He looks up at me in confusion.
“The gift? The text said there was a gift with the drone.”
“Oh yeah. It says it’s for you.”
“Did you at least make sure it’s not anything dangerous or do you expect me to check?” I watch him carefully.
“Yeah, of course, we did.” He bobs his head. “We opened it, but there’s only a folded piece of paper inside. We assume it’s a message for you, so we didn’t want to read it. Do you want me to do it? I wanted to ask for your permission first.”
“No. Where is it?”
“Still in the yard with the drone.”
I give him a long look. “You left it in the yard? For everyone to see?”
“We weren’t sure what to do with it.”
“You should’ve called me immediately!”
“But it was the middle of the night, sir. We didn’t want to disturb you, especially once we realized it wasn’t a threat.”
I’m going to need to find the new head of the security team. So much incompetence. They not only let a foreign object come so close to my whole family, but they also didn’t remember to hide it.