Now I don’t know who might’ve seen it. We had a long night yesterday. My uncles stayed up very late, just talking to my grandma about some better times. They were still at it when Adriana and I decided to go to our room.

Maybe no one is awake yet. If someone sees the drone, I’ll have to invent a plausible lie. If it’s only a note in that box, whatever. But that thing got all the way to us. It’s unacceptable. My family gatherings should be the safest events ever.

“No more bullshit like this. If there’s another drone, take it out of the sky the moment you notice it.” I doubt it’s just one of my uncle’s pranks. “If there’s anything suspicious or out of the ordinary, you come to me and only me. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing.”

“Yes, sir. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.”

“No, it won’t.” I meet his gaze, and then I storm away from him.

I need to find out what the message says ASAP. It can’t be anything good. Maybe we’ll need to go home early or move somewhere safer. It would upset my grandma, but we might have to do it to stay safe.

Who could be trying to mess with me? Now? Not many people know about the location of this place, but it’s not all that hard to find out either. That’s why we have all the security.

No one could’ve expected the guards wouldn’t be doing their jobs properly. Maybe it’s a test. I need to make sure there wasn’t a camera on the drone. Who knows what’s up? There’s no point in trying to guess. I have to see it for myself.

But just as I reach the foyer, Adriana falls in step with me.

“What’s going on?” she asks.

“I didn’t know you were up. You should get some breakfast.”

“Where are you going?”

“Nowhere. Just to get some fresh air.”

“Then I’ll come with you.”

I groan. “There’s something I have to handle. You should stay here.”

“Ah, so thereissomething. What is it? You jumped out of bed so fast—”

“You don’t have to worry.” I stop in the doorway, but it doesn’t look like Adriana has any intention of leaving me alone. “Just stay here.”

“No.” She crosses her arms. “Unless you want me to yell after you and wake up the whole house.”

“Fine,” I mutter under my breath. “Let’s go, but you won’t breathe a word of this to anyone.”


I narrow my eyes at her.

Can I trust her? Maybe, if I don’t tell her much. It’s just a drone with a message.

“A drone? Really?” Adriana says as we reach it. “Did you order a special delivery or something?”

“Or something,” I mutter as I grab the box.

It’s tiny. Black with a golden ribbon. I open it and move away from Adriana so she can’t see what’s inside. I unfold the piece of paper.

My eyebrows shoot up.

What the fuck?

If you don’t break up with Adriana and announce the end of your engagement, you die.

I stare at the message. No one is supposed to know about my engagement, aside from my family.

But I guess it’s possible some information leaked. Someone could’ve seen us together on our way here. My whole security team should be replaced. The drone might not be their only mistake.