I stare at my reflection in the mirror. Salvatore’s family is as bad as I expected, or well, a pretty normal mafia family with their weird little traditions and rules. They were all staring at me as if they wanted to dissect me.
Their welcoming smiles didn’t fool me. I know they all have their opinions about me, and about my, luckily, fake relationship with Salvatore. But there’s one thing I envy them—they’re all going to be together tomorrow.
Christmas used to be a big thing in my family. Everyone gathered together, a lot like Salvatore’s family. And this year...
My parents are on a cruise. Enzo and Cesare are doing who knows what. I’m stuck here with the guy I can’t stand and his family, who are a bunch of strangers to me.
Even if Enzo and Cesare were arguing over something stupid, I’d still take it just so we could all be together.
One day. It would just be one day, but it would mean a lot to me. It’s been a while since I last saw my cousins. I miss all of us together, having fun and talking long into the night. Sure, there were some less than perfect Christmases before, but I don’t need perfection to be happy.
Maybe if my parents hadn’t gone on their cruise...
But no. Too much has happened between Enzo and Cesare, and I don’t know all the details. When I return, I’ll have to deal with the fallout.
Hopefully, they’re not at each other’s throats right now. I’ll use my burner phone tomorrow to wish everyone a merry Christmas. For this Christmas, I only have one wish. I want my family together and happy again for next Christmas.
Is that too much to ask?
I don’t know.
Once I get out of the bathroom, I stop dead in my tracks.
Salvatore is already settled on his side of the bed. His eyes are closed. Is he really already asleep or just pretending? He looks so harmless like this.
Ugh! I go to my side of the bed and lie down as close to the edge of the bed as possible. Then I pull the covers over me.
Salvatore and I are lying in the same bed. If someone had told me years ago that this would happen, I would’ve laughed like crazy and said,over my dead body, or something like that.
Am I really sure he won’t do anything? If we were still kids, he would’ve pranked me for sure. But he needs me, and that’s the only reason why I can sleep peacefully.
Our fake relationship is worth too much to him. He loves his family, especially his grandma. His eyes soften when he looks at her and at his mom. There’s joy in his eyes when he talks to his uncles. He’s nice to his nieces and nephews. It’s weird to see that side of him, but I guess that’s because his family is everything to him.
I let out a sigh and close my eyes. Will this be the worst Christmas of my life?
* * *
This bed is sonice and soft that I don’t want to get up. And it’s so warm. The pillows are fir—
My eyes fly open.
Salvatore’s lips spread into a smile, his face only inches away from mine. “Damn, Adriana. I’ve always known you liked me, but—”
I gasp as I realize I’ve been running my hand over his chest instead of caressing a pillow. With a yelp, I pull back, throwing away the covers. How the hell did I end up all the way here, on his side of the bed?
My gaze travels to his erection straining against his pajama pants, and I quickly look away. Is that because of me or because of something else? I’m pretty sure I haven’t touched anything other than his chest.
“Nope, I don’t like you at all.” I scramble back to my side of the bed, trying to ignore the twinge of desire low in my stomach.
Sure, Salvatore’s hot, but he’s still who he is.
“Relax. I don’t mind.” He sits up, covering his lap. “Merry Christmas, my fake fiancée. You can keep your presents, by the way.”
“I don’t want anything from you.”
“Doesn’t matter. We have to go down together and open our presents. It’s my family’s tradition.”
“Fine. I’ll go get dressed.” I grab the first thing I can find and rush to the bathroom.