“Love you, too, Linds. Talk tomorrow.”

I punched in the key code and was surprised to see lights on when I walked in the door.

“Congratulations on finishing your first class, Simone,” Hugo said – or, well, as the cake and balloons he had set up on the kitchen island said.

“I don’t even know if I passed,” I said with a laugh as he pulled me into him and started kissing my neck.

“Of course you passed. You’re brilliant.”

Hugo spun me around and led me outside to the patio.

“I have a surprise for you,” he whispered as we stepped out into the night. “I planned a special evening for us. It starts with something on the bed upstairs for you.”

“Oh really? I thought that was how special evenings ended.”

“Get your mind out of the gutter and go upstairs. When you’re ready, come back down here.”

I laughed all the way up the stairs, but my laughter turned into a gasp when I saw the bed. On the white comforter was the most beautiful cocktail dress. It was black but with intricate beading on the bodice and lace straps, all dipping into a sweetheart neckline. I quickly shucked my shorts and T-shirt and slipped into it. Then I faced the mirror and thanked the gods that I was having a good hair day and it just needed a little fluff. I put on some tinted moisturizer and mascara and practically ran down the stairs and onto the patio.

“You look beautiful,” Hugo said reverently.

“So do you,” I said, really studying him for the first time. He wore black, slim fit pants with a white button-down shirt. The top two buttons were undone, exposing a gorgeous glimpse of his skin.

I tore my gaze away from Hugo and looked around, noticing the twinkling lights and soft candles. The table was set with sparkling cider and two plates of food that smelled absolutely delicious.

“What's all of this for?” I asked Hugo, feeling a little bewildered.

“I thought we should celebrate.” He poured two glasses of cider and handed me a flute. His eyes were sparkling and a warm breeze kicked up, sending a light scent of his cologne around me. Everything felt incredibly perfect. My heart hitched when I thought about how barely a few months ago, I was just a girl who had a crush on her brother’s best friend. Now we were having a baby and, to top it all off, he’d created a romantic evening just for us.

“Okay,” I said, smiling and letting the full effect of the happy emotions wash through my body. I was afraid I’d start floating into the night sky with my happiness buzz. “What are we celebrating, exactly?”

“Well, I suppose there’s a lot, isn’t there? Let’s start with celebrating you, brilliant Simone. I’m so excited for you and the journey with school and your career that you’re taking. You’re going to do incredible things and help so many people. I hope you know that and believe it every day.”

I ducked my head as the blush spread across my face and we clinked glasses.

“Thanks, Hugo. I probably would have given up if it weren't for you.”

“No, you wouldn’t have. I know you, Simone. You have more determination and resilience on your pinky finger than most people do in their whole body. You would have continued on this path all on your own because it’s what you do. You always make the best out of any situation. Even when it all looks pretty bleak.” Hugo looked a little guilty when he said that part.

Emotion clogged my throat, sitting like a rock that I couldn’t swallow away. I only nodded in response.

“Next, I think we need to celebrate us.”

“I’ll gladly cheers to that.” I couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“Simone,” Hugo said seriously, taking my glass and placing it on the table. “I want you to know how much you mean to me.”

He pulled me into a light kiss.

“And how much our family means to me,” he said, touching my stomach reverently. “I never knew how much I could want all of this. But with you, it all feels right. It feels perfect.”

“I completely agree.” I said as Hugo laced his fingers through mine. He took a half step back, gently dropping my hand.

And then he went to one knee. I gasped as he slipped a small box from his pocket.

“Simone, I know we were already engaged once.” Hugo’s wry smile had me laughing through the tears that were starting to well in my eyes.

He turned serious, his eyes darkening, and he glanced at the ground for a moment before continuing.