“I love you, Simone. I can’t say it enough. I’ll say it every day — every hour — for the rest of my life. Because I want you to know, no matter what, I will love you forever. I will be here for you forever. I want us to do all of this life-stuff together. You are my true love and the family I want. Even though our child wasn't planned, the situation has just made me grow in ways I needed to grow. With your help and Seth's, I will get there. I'm hoping you have a lot of patience.” He winked and my heart fluttered.

Hugo paused and opened the box. It was a new engagement ring, and it was breathtaking.

“I had your engagement ring redesigned. At first, I wanted it to be completely new, a totally fresh start. But as I thought about it, I wanted to honor how we started. It was unconventional,of course, but it got us here. And I’m eternally grateful to any circumstance that has led me to be kneeling before you. I was told by a wise person that we can learn from the past and it doesn't have to define our future.” Hugo hung his head. "It also hurts me to tell you that the wise person was Seth." I giggled.

Hugo gently took my left hand and kissed my ring finger.

“Simone, my darling, my one and only, will you marry me?”

I touched his face with my right hand, pushing back the tears that threatened to spill.

“Of course, I’ll marry you, Hugo. I love you.”

Hugo’s eyes shimmered with wetness as he slipped the ring on my finger. It sparkled under the lights and was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen.

Hugo stood up and pulled me into a kiss, pressing his body against mine. I threw my arms around his neck and he swung me around.

“Soon you won’t be able to do that anymore. I’ll be too pregnant.”

“No problem, I'll just scoop you up sideways and swing you like a swing, right? The baby can have a ride, too." We giggled and kissed. What a nerd ball. My nerd ball.

Hugo kissed me again, deeper this time, and it quickly led to the best celebration right there on the patio under the twinkling lights.



Ayear had passed, bringing the birth of our son, Enzo. Life had changed dramatically for both of us, and now, as we prepared to solidify our bond through a ceremony involving our loved ones, I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude.

It was the night before the ceremony and we had gathered with our families and the wedding party for the final rehearsal. Seth was my best man and the boys from the clinic were my groomsmen. Lindsey was Simone's maid of honor, while filling her bridesmaid's roster with her good friends, including her new nursing friend, Emily. It was a busy night, lots of conversation, laughing, and revelry. Everyone blended well, enjoying the evening of food and drink.

As Simone and I looked at the windy cliff that would be our ceremony location the next day, we looked at each other, sohappy at how far we had come. Surveying our family and small group of friends, we realized that we were indeed blessed.

"I love you and I can't wait to be married to you," Simone said, looking up at me with her big, expressive eyes. I leaned down to kiss her. Soon, this would be official. Nothing felt more right than where we were, right here and right now.

Our world that contained just the two of us was broken when I heard my father call my name.

As my parents approached us, we could see that their expressions were a mixture of pride and solemnity, indicating that they had something important to discuss.

"Simone, Hugo," my father said with a hint of formality. "Could we have a moment to speak with you privately?"

"Of course," I replied, guiding Simone toward an empty corner of the room. My heart raced, unsure of what they wanted to say.

"First of all," my mother began, her voice softer than usual, "we must tell you how proud we are of both of you."

"Thank you so much, Catarina and Carlo," Simone responded graciously, a small smile playing on her lips.

My mother had stayed in Boston for a little while after I’d made it clear I wasn’t going back to Italy. She and Simone had been building a relationship that started when Simone called her to make that lunch date she promised. Mom seemed as changed by Simone as I was, and it was like she finally saw life for what it really was. Moments in time to be collected, as if on a necklace, she had told me. Simone rejected all her offers of material gifts, instead introducing my mother to the cultural side of Boston that Mamma really appeared to enjoy.

Papà indeed lost the election, and although it was a blow to his ego, he seemed to take the opportunity to reflect and focus his energy on the winery. He was more active in the community and more giving to those less fortunate. His donations went to where they would make a big impact, not because he had an ulteriormotive or needed to buy someone's help. His social presence was reduced in Italy because his actions were less scandalous, and that was perfectly fine with him. He seemed to enjoy fading into the background, and although I didn't speak to him much, the silence felt comfortable, not strained.

Mamma went back for my father after he lost the election, and she supported him as he went through this transition. They've started to go to marriage counselling, and I have to say, they look happier than ever.

My father cleared his throat. "We realize that things have not always been perfect between us –" he glanced at Simone, then back at me – "but we want you both to know that we are proud of the life you've built together. I have to say that some of your happiness has rubbed off on us." He took my mom's hand in his, beaming at her. "I know you have found your happiness in each other, but we would like to offer you a little villa in Italy for a vacation home, as well as this little scholarship for our most precious grandson, Enzo." Dad reached into his suit jacket and pulled out a cheque to hand to me.

My eyes bugged out at the sum. Enzo would be set for life with this "donation". My father cleared his throat. He clearly wasn't done.

"We sincerely want to wish you the best in your life together and only hope that you will grace us in Italy as often as you can. Perhaps we can rebuild our relationship from the ground up and, in many ways, start over."