Page 38 of Spur It On

"Yeah, Doc," I assured him.

"Water- or silicone-based with condoms," he went on, not even caring that I was squirming in my chair. "If there's any blood, from anyone, you come see me. Tell your friends the same. Just say you got bit by a spider, and I'll make sure no one thinks anything of it. You have my word on that. I just want to make sure no one's hurting, makes a mistake out there, and comes in here with broken bones because of it. I don't care if you're embarrassed, think it's nothing, or any other excuse you have. Any concerns, Tanner, and you talk to me."

"Yes, sir," I mumbled.

So he slapped my shoulder. "And tell Anthony. He's still raging about someone almost outing you and needing to cover. Might want to let him know that J.D.'s going to need his oversight too."

"It's not quite like that," I mumbled.

"J.D. made it sound like it is," he countered.

I bent over to clutch my hands between my knees. "Ok, it's not like thatyet," I clarified. "Doc, can I ask your advice?"

"Sure, but I don't know what help I'll be."

I nodded, willing to accept that. "Cody thought I was gay. She, um..." I licked my lips quickly, trying to figure out how to explain this. "Well, she got that in her head. So, last weekend, J.D. was walking down the hall with his shirt off. I looked at his tattoos. He was in a mood. One thing led to another, and we got kissing. Like, in one of those alcoves off the hall, right? Cody caught us."

"You need to be careful with that," Dr. Stephens warned me. "Some people won't just yell. They'll hit - and bring a few of their friends to help - and I don't want you out a few weekends because of homophobia."

"Yeah, I know," I promised. "But my thing is, she still thought I was gay. So, she decided to help me out and date me in public. I never even thought she'd guess gay, you know? I mean, I thought I'd been giving her enough hints that I was into her. And, well, we talked about it Sunday night. But here's the thing. Um, she kinda... Well... We had sex Wednesday."

"Ok," he said, clearly waiting for the rest.

"Am I screwing this up?" I asked. "I mean, she thought I was gay!"

He shook his head slightly. "When she slept with you?"

"No!" I grunted in frustration. "No, I cleared it up before then. I'm just wondering if I'm taking some, I dunno, advantage of her or something. Like, leading her on, but the other way around. Or, I dunno, fucking up consent, or something?"

Dr. Stephens began to chuckle as he returned to putting away the rest of his things. "No, Tanner. If you told her that you like women, and she still fell into bed with you, and no one was being forced, then you're fine. Maybe she just doesn't care about you sleeping with men?"

I pushed out a heavy breath. "I'm hoping so. I'm just not that good with women, you know? I'm pretty sure she made the big scene on the stage because she thought she was being my beard. Now? I dunno, I'm just trying real hard to make sure I get this right, and I dunno who else to ask."

"Maybe Ty?" Dr. Stephens suggested, making it clear he really did know everything.

But I shook my head. "I think he's the last one of us to have any idea how to treat a woman. J.D.'s trying, but his version's a little rough around the edges."

"Which is half of his charm," Dr. Stephens agreed. "No, all you can do is talk about it with them, Tanner. And from the sounds of it, this relationship is going to take a whole lot of talking. But as for your results, I'll call you when they're in, so no need to come back and ask for them, ok?"

I pushed myself out of the chair, knowing a dismissal when I heard one. "Thanks, Doc."

"Wish more of you boys would realize that sexual health is part of what I do," he told me. "Stay safe out there tonight."

"Yes, sir."

Then I left his room and headed back to the main one, not surprised to see Anthony wasn't even close to done. As I passed, I paused to pat his back, stopping so we were side by side. He finished up what he was doing, then stood to face me.

"All good?" he asked.

"Yep," I assured him. "Also, I figured I should warn you that J.D.'s on the minority team too."

Both of Anthony's brows jumped up. "Yeah? You mean besides being half Mexican?"

"Yep. He's on the same team I am."

Anthony quickly glanced at the door, then back to me. "No shit?" he asked.

"No shit," I admitted.