Page 39 of Spur It On

Anthony just nodded. "Ok. Well, next time I need him held down, I'll ask for your help so no one can bitch about it later."

"Thank you," I said softly.

He nodded. "But I also don't know shit until he tells me himself. Or until he tells me you said something to him."

I patted his arm twice. "You're a good man, Anthony."

"Shit, now convince the rest of the riders that. The way you boys cuss at me when I'm just trying to put you back together?" He flashed me a wicked grin. "Pussies, all of ya."

"Oh, and Cody knows too," I added, since his word choice made me think of her and how well our date had ended. "And she's my girlfriend, so you take good care of her."

"Damn!" he laughed. "Look at you, Tanner. Starting to think I chose the wrong profession. I shoulda been out there dancing with the bulls so the ladies would even notice me."

"Or just stop hiding in here," I teased. "I mean, I noticed."

He winked at me playfully. "Don't go getting my hopes up."

"Shit," I laughed, turning for the door. "You aren't that cute, Anthony."

"Am so!" he called after me.

I just shook my head, laughed, and got out while the getting was good. Dr. Stephens and Anthony had known about me for a few years. I'd told Doc when filling out my basic health info. Anthony I'd warned before the first time he'd worked on me, just in case it made him feel weird. Both of them had made it clear that who I slept with didn't have anything to do with them - just like the professionals they were.

But they'd also never breathed a word about it to anyone else. Oh, I knew all about the medical laws and confidentiality rules, but that wouldn't have stopped everyone. Instead, Anthony had become a friend, deciding that since we were both the "minorities" around here, we should stick together.

But as I walked down the long hall, back towards the arena where I'd be working all night, I realized this meant more people knew than I'd realized. In one way, that felt good. My sexuality hadn't bothered either Doc or Anthony, and I'd just taken it for granted because they were medical professionals. But at the same time, I knew the more people who knew a secret, the more chances there were for someone to slip up.

And if this got out, there was no way the PBR was ready for that. It would be a hell of a lot easier to just get rid of us. All of us, if they had to.


After spendingthe night curled up against Ty, he said I should ride over to the arena with J.D. I was pretty sure this was Ty's way of trying to apologize for blowing up at me in the shower last night, but I'd take it. I also really wanted to talk to J.D. about what I'd done wrong. In truth, I just wanted to talk to J.D. aboutallof this.

So the moment we were in the truck, I twisted in my seat to face him. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"First," J.D. said, turning the key so the glow plugs could warm up, "I wanna make sure you're ok."

"Yeah, I'm fine," I assured him, waving that off.

"Cody," he chided, giving me a look that made it clear I'd answered too easily. "Are youok?"

Which was when I realized he thought Ty and I had gone at it last night. "We cuddled," I assured him. "I'm honestly fine, J.D. I just don't know what set Ty off, or if he's not really as ok with this poly thing as he says."

"Ah." He cranked his truck, then eased it out of the parking lot. "Well, I don't really know. See, Ty's always liked double-teaming girls. I mean, before Hannah, he and Renato had a reputation."

"And everyone knows about this?" I asked.

J.D. nodded his head slowly. "Pretty much, yeah. They didn't really hide it. And Renato's a real pretty man, so the girls thought they'd won the lottery. But yeah, I'm kinda wondering if he assumed that was what this was supposed to be."

"Oh." I really didn't know how I felt about that.

The honest truth was that I had no problem with the idea. Being pinned between two sexy men? Yes, please! At the same time, it sounded equally terrifying. Would I say something stupid? Would I even know what to do? Granted, I'd still like the chance to be that woman, but it didn't completely remove the fear of screwing all of this up because I was in over my head.

"And Ty doesn't know Tanner," J.D. reminded me. "I mean, I don't really know Tanner. I know of him, and I know enough about him, but it's all in-passing shit, ya know?"

"Yeah," I agreed.

J.D. just nodded, almost like it was for himself. "And I know you like him a lot."