She had eaten a fruit cup on one of her breaks and she couldn't deny that it was delicious. It was an assortment of fruit. Some of them had strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes, and pineapple. Others just had an individual fruit in case somebody was allergic or didn't like something.
She personally had grabbed one that had everything in it because she loved all of the fruit. They were so delicious and so juicy. If she had it her way, she would eat these all the time. That was how good they were.
Two girls walked up to the bar and looked at her, giving her a big smile. Sofia loved working here because almost all the Littles were super sweet and polite when they asked for things. Sometimes they were impatient and annoyed but their Daddies normally set them straight pretty quickly and made them apologize.
There were a couple Littles who, in her opinion, were spoiled and their Daddies or Mommies didn’t do anything about it. They let them be rude, but Sofia just dealt with it. It came with every job.
“What can I get for you?” she asked them.
She knew their names were Janie and Charlotte. She had seen them several times at the club, and they were always super kind and respectful.
“Two apple juices, please,” Charlotte said.
Sofia walked over to the fridge, and grabbed two apple juices.
“I can’t wait for the playdate tomorrow. It’s going to be so much fun! Are you coming?” Janie asked.
She looked at both of them as she walked back over.
“Of course I am! I wouldn’t miss it for the world! It’s going to be amazing,” Charlotte responded.
Sofia handed them their juice boxes and put it on their tabs, well Charlotte’s Daddy’s tab and Janie’s tab.
“Thank you!” Charlotte said as they walked back to their group.
She longed for the day when she could go to a playdate with her friends. It looked like so much fun.
“Put her juice box and anything else she gets tonight on my tab,” Mac said.
He was another one of the owners. He usually walked around the Little’s area whenever Janie was here. Sofia knew they weren’t together but she wasn’t sure if Janie was aware of Mac’s interests in her.
“Okay, sir,” she responded and quickly changed it.
“Thank you,” he replied before walking away.
She thought it was a cute gesture. Who knows if Janie realized he was paying for her drinks and snacks, but Sofia thought it was a sweet thing. Not many Doms did that for people they weren’t in a dynamic with, or at least that wasn’t something she normally saw happening during her shifts.
Sofia really wanted to go to the playdate Charlotte and Janie were talking about, but she knew she wasn’t invited. She also didn’t know anyone there, they weren’t her friends. Sure, she had served them several times and saw them play together, but that was all.
She didn’t even think the girls knew her name, but she sure knew theirs. She longed to be friends with other Littles but was afraid to talk to them. Sofia worked here, and they came here to play. She didn’t know if Jaxson had a policy on who her friends could be at the club. Would it be a conflict of interest or was it okay?
Sofia had thought about asking him, but she always stopped herself. Even if he had said yes to her being friends with them, she didn’t even know how she would go up and talk to them. Would they want to be friends with someone who had just moved to the United States?
She didn’t know for sure about them, but she knew some people didn’t like people from other countries coming to the United States and living here. She didn’t want to befriend the wrong people and get bullied or reported when she had done nothing wrong. Sofia didn’t think Charlotte and Janie were like that, but she wanted to be sure.
They hadn’t said anything, and she hadn’t heard any whispers either. Maybe they were okay.
She was also worried because, even in Chile, she didn’t feel like she connected with anyone. She felt like she had to force herself to be something she wasn’t. She didn’t want to pretend with anyone about who she was or how she acted, and it was stopping her from talking to people and making friends.
Sofia looked over at the group of Littles and saw all of them laughing, not having a care in the world. She wanted that. She wanted to not be stressed with worry about money and just hang out with friends. But she didn’t think it was going to happen soon.
Sofia went back to cleaning off the counter, making sure everything was spic and span. She didn’t like messes. She wanted to show Jaxson she was a good employee, and he could rely on her. She didn’t want to give him any reason to fire her.
“Are you okay?”
Sofia jumped and turned around. Jaxson was standing right in front of her across the bar. She stared at him, not registering that he had asked her a question.
“Sofia,” he said. “Are you okay?”