“In my eyes,” he said and she did. “No matter what it is, you come to me.”
Sofia nodded her head. It was going to be tough to do, and no doubt she was going to mess up, but she was going to try for him.
“Can I see the other note?” Michael asked.
She reached into her pocket and handed him the note. She waited for their reactions, but both of them just took a deep breath and looked back at her.
“I should just go back to Chile,” she softly said. “Then no one will leave me threatening notes. I should’ve never come here.”
“No,” Daddy said. “You’re not going back.”
If only that was true. There was no guarantee that she was staying. She needed to reapply for her work visa and save up money for the application to get her Green Card. But reapplying and applying for them didn't guarantee that she would be ableto stay. That was what worried her. Why had she gotten involved with Jaxson when she wasn't guaranteed to stay in the United States?
"We're going to figure this out," Daddy said. "No matter what, we're going to figure this out. I'm not letting you go."
Her heart warmed at that. What did she do to deserve this? He was so good to her and she didn't deserve that.
"Leo is on his way," Michael said.
She had completely forgotten that Michael was in the room with them.
"I'm sorry," she whispered, looking down at her hands again. She felt so bad about everything that was happening.
"Why are you sorry, Little one?" Daddy asked.
He sat down right next to her and brought her closer to him. She loved the feeling of having his arms around her, but did she deserve it right now? She had been naughty, but she also was a lot more trouble than she was worth.
"I'm a mess. I'm bringing this up and I should just leave," she said, tears welling up in her eyes.
"I don't want any of that," Daddy said. "Do you hear me?"
"But it's true."
Sofia looked at her Daddy. How did he not think it was true?
"You shouldn't leave because then I would be missing the person I love in my life," he said. "I know that it's not the best way to tell you, but I need you to know. I love you and I’m going to do whatever I can to figure out everything.”
The tears she tried so hard to keep in her eyes fell down her face. He loved her?
"I didn't mean to make you cry," Daddy said. "That wasn't my intention. I just wanted you to know that you are loved and have people who care about you. You aren't alone here. You have a family."
"That's right, Little girl. We're your family here. Well, that's if you'll have us," Michael said.
Sofia gasped and looked at him. "If I'll have you? More like if you guys will have me."
"It's settled then. We're family and this family helps each other out in time of need. So whenever something like this happens again, and you need help, you let us know," Daddy said. "Hopefully, you don't get any more threatening messages and it's less dangerous things."
She giggled and leaned into his side. She was exhausted after everything, but she was also relieved that she could count on him. Sofia knew she could before, but it was different when he verbally said it. He was reaffirming it.
"What's wrong?" Leo asked as he stepped into the office. "Sofia."
She didn't look up at him because the last time she did, he told her to take a break after she found the first note.
"You tell your Daddy you weren't feeling well?" Leo asked.
"Not exactly. I saw her dash towards the bathroom, and she was throwing up," Daddy said.