Monty wasn't supposed to work tonight, but here she was.

"Leo called me in. Said someone was sick and asked if I could cover for them," Monty said. "My little brother is having a sleepover at a friend's house, so I thought it was a good time to grab an extra shift and then Leo called. Do you know who was sick?"

Sofia raised her hand. "It was me."

"Oh my goodness. Are you okay?"

She nodded her head. "Just threw up a little."

Monty looked at her and shook her head. "Have you told Jaxson yet?"

"Not yet. I'm going to tell him in about thirty minutes."

The more time passed, the more nervous she became. What was she going to do? How was she going to tell him?

"You need to tell him," Monty said. "You can't keep it from him. He deserves to know."

"I know," she whispered. "He already talked to me and said, after I finish up, he wants to hear what I’ve been holding back."

Maybe Sofia could get away with just telling him about the letter she received the other day and not the threatening note from today. He didn't know there were two different things going on that could make her sick, because he didn’t know about the note.

But as Sofia thought about that, the guilt started to return with a vengeance. She couldn't live with herself if she let this guilt build up even more. She needed to come clean with everything she had done and lied about. It was going to be tough, but she needed to get it all out and then she needed to get a spanking.

She needed this guilt to go away.

"How about you go get your stuff and head to him," Monty suggested. "I know you said you have thirty minutes left until you were going, but maybe you could head there early and tell him. I've got you covered."

Sofia let out a sigh and knew she was right. She just needed to get this over with. There was no point in putting it off for another thirty minutes.

"Okay," Sofia said. "I'll grab my stuff and go tell him. Thank you for being such an amazing friend."

"Anytime, Sof," Monty replied as she walked away.

Sofia made her way to the employees room to grab her things. She was so nervous to tell Daddy about what had been going on and what she had been keeping from him. Part of her was worried that he was going to say he didn't want her anymore after this.

Would he say that?

She didn't think he would, but she wouldn't know until she told him. The sooner she told him, the better. Or at least, that's what she thought.

As Sofia made her way closer to her locker, she noticed another note placed in front of it. Her heart started to beat faster as she slowly made her way towards it. Looking around, she tried to spot if any one was in the employees room with her, but there wasn't.


Was this another threatening note? Maybe it was just a simple empty piece of paper that landed in front of her locker. But deep down, she knew that wasn't it.

Sofia carefully picked up the paper, her breathing coming in short pants. She sat down on the little bench and opened the note.

Stay away from Leo and Jaxson. If you don't, you're dead.

She gripped onto the note as she started to get light headed. Shit. This was so much worse than she thought. The person was here in the club and had seen her interact with Leo and her Daddy. What was she going to do?

The more she thought about it, the more her breathing started to pick up and the dizzier she got. Before she knew it, the edges of her vision were going black, and she felt herself passing out.



Jaxson knew Sofia should be coming up to his office any minute now. It had killed him inside to let her go and work for another hour. He didn’t want to, but he had a feeling that she probably needed the hour to get her brain wrapped around everything.