He didn’t think it was part of what happened the other day. It was a different reaction, averydifferent reaction. Which made him think this was completely unrelated to what happened at her apartment.

He was hoping she would tell him first what had happened tonight and then he could ask about the other day. That was his hope. However, he had a feeling she would try to tell him what happened the other day and ignore today.

But he wasnotgoing to let that happen.

If she tried to play it off as if it was the same thing as the other day, he was going to call her out for it. He didn't like that it made her so ill she threw up. Something small wouldn't have done that. Not to Sofia, his precious Sofia.

Jaxson stood up from his chair and made his way towards the main room. He didn't want to wait any longer to talk to Sofia. He had given her plenty of time and she was out of it now.

Right as he stepped onto the main floor, Monty was at his side, yelling.

"Jaxson!" She yelled. "It's Sofia!"

He was alarmed when Monty said Sofia's name. What was wrong? Was she in the bathroom again?

"What's wrong?" Jaxson asked as he jogged over to Monty.

"She's unconscious on the floor in the employees lounge."

His heart stopped beating for a second. She had passed out? Had someone hurt her?

"Get Michael to the employee room," Jaxson said before he hurried over there.

So many things were going through his mind as he jogged over there. What had made her go unconscious? He didn't like not being in the know, especially when it came to Sofia. She was precious to him. So precious.

He loved her.

Jaxson stopped in front of the employee room, peering in. He loved her, but he didn't have time to think about that right now. Sofia needed him and he needed to be there for her.

"Everyone, please go back to work," Jaxson said. "I'll take it from here."

As the people started to leave, he took in Sofia. She was laying on her side on the bench, her feet dangling awkwardly. He hoped no one had harmed her, and she had just passed out. None of the options were good, but he just hoped that no one hit her to make her go unconscious.

Had she been surprised? Did she see it coming? What had made her pass out like this?

Jaxson stepped forward and carefully placed his hand on her neck, trying to find a pulse. He could see her chest rising and falling as she breathed, but he wanted to see if her pulse was strong or weak.

Please be strong.He thought to himself.

Her pulse was strong against his fingers, and he let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know much above the basic first aid and, right now, he wished he knew more. He didn't want to move her in case something was wrong that he didn't know about.

"What's wrong?" Michael asked as he walked into the room.

"Took you long enough," Jaxson snapped and then sighed. "Sorry. I'm just worried about her and I shouldn't have taken it out on you."

"No worries. What happened? Monty didn't give me much besides you needed me in the employee room."

"I don't know much besides Sofia was found unconscious on this bench in front of her locker," Jaxson said. "I felt her pulse and it's strong. Not too fast and not too slow. She's breathing. I didn't want to move her in case there was something wrong with her neck or spine."

"Good. I'll take a look at her and see if I can find anything wrong."

Jaxson took a step back and watched as Michael checked her over. It was agony watching him look her over and not being able to do anything. Had she been scared when she passed out?

"Everything looks to be okay. Let's move her up to your office so we don't have prying eyes," Michael said as he stood.

"I'm good to carefully pick her up?" Jaxson asked.

He knew Michael just said everything looked to be okay, but he wanted to make sure. Was there a special way he was supposed to carry her?