"I know but I need you to eat a little more for me. Get the sugar in your body so you stop shaking as much."
She grumbled but brought the piece of chocolate up to her lips and started to eat it. She didn't want to eat it, but she also didn't want to continue to shake.
"Such a good girl," Daddy said. "My good girl."
She melted hearing him call her that. The more she ate the chocolate, the more she felt herself slowly starting to shake less.
"You're doing so good," he continued to speak as they pulled into the garage. "Daddy's going to come around and get you."
He held her hand for a second before he carefully pulled it off of his arm and got out of the car. She waited patiently for him to walk around and open her door.
"I may need to get you a booster seat," he mumbled. "Are you ready to go inside?"
She held out her arms, waiting to be picked up. Once in his arms, she put her face in his neck and felt herself slowly starting to relax.
"My baby," he softly said.
She absolutely loved hearing him call her that. He had so many different nicknames that it just made her feel so loved and cherished. It made her feel like he cared for her which she knew he did.
"Let's get you comfortable," he said. "Do you need anything?"
Sofia didn't know what she would need. This had never happened before and she was out of her depth. What could she possibly need besides him?
"You," she whispered. "Skin."
She wanted to feel his skin, his warmth. It seemed to make her feel better, and she just wanted more of that. She wanted his arms wrapped around her so she felt safe and could just relax.
"Okay, Little one," he softly said. "I'll take my shirt off and we can just snuggle. If you need anything, you let me know."
She nodded her head and felt him walk towards the living room.
"Do you want to watch something or just snuggle?"
Exhaustion weighed down on her as the seconds went by. She had already been exhausted and the drive from her apartment to his house just seemed to make things even worse.
"We'll go snuggle in my bed."
She felt him walk further into the house and towards his bedroom.
"I'm going to set you down on the bed so I can take my shirt off," he said before he placed her on the bed.
A whine escaped her mouth, and she watched him like a hawk. She didn't want him to go and leave her. She wanted him with her. Part of her knew he wasn't going to leave her, but the other part was worried.
"I'm right here," he softly said. "I'm not going anywhere."
Daddy got into bed, and she snuggled up into his side, placing her head on his chest. She could feel and hear his heartbeat and felt herself slowly starting to calm down.
"Daddy's got you," he softly said.
Jaxson didn't know how long they laid in bed for but he didn't care. He would give her anything she needed right now. She deserved that. He had been so stupid to not check in with her after they went to the club. He had thought she would've been okay until he saw her the next day, but he was wrong.
So wrong.