How could he be so stupid? It was something he knew he should've done and yet he hadn't. How long had she been like that before he came?
Every part of him hoped it wasn't long. He didn't like knowing that she had been suffering without him. Did she even know what was going on? Jaxson needed to talk to her about it, but he knew it could wait until she was in a better mind set.
Jaxson didn't know how much she knew about BDSM but from what he saw, she didn't know what sub drop was.
He let out a sigh and held her closely. Every once in a while he would run his hand up and down her back to comfort her.
He was feeling guilty about everything that had happened. How could he have let this happen? Was he good enough to be her Daddy? Jaxson knew that Michael or Finn would've takenbetter care of her if it happened while she was on their watch. Heck, even Leo and Oliver would've known.
Doubt started to fill him as he looked down at Sofia in his arms. She was snuggled up tightly to him, almost like she was afraid he was going to leave her. Maybe he should. Maybe he should find someone that would take better care of her and know to communicate better about the risks.
He hadn't taken proper care of her, and it was showing. He should've insisted that he take care of her after he had put the ropes on her. What was he thinking when he didn't?
Sofia snuggled into him more. "Thank you," she whispered.
Jaxson was confused. Why was she thanking him? He hadn't done much of anything.
"What for, Little one?" he asked, genuinely curious.
"For taking care of me," she softly said, keeping her head in the exact same place.
His heart warmed as she said those words, but he couldn't help but also feel the guilt come back even more. He had let her suffer alone for who knows how long and she was thanking him.
"I need to do a better job," he gently said. And it was the truth. He needed to make sure he was taking better care of her and watching for signs and symptoms for anything.
Sofia moved her head off of his chest and looked into his eyes.
"How were you supposed to know that whatever this was, was going to happen to me?" she asked.
He took a deep breath in. "I should have checked up on you. I should have made sure you were okay and taken care of. I should've insisted that you come home with me in case this happened. I introduced you to something new and I was aware that there was a possibility of this happening and yet I didn't do anything."
She placed her hand on his chest and ran her finger up and down, almost in a soothing motion.
"It's going to be okay," she whispered. "You're here now and you can take care of me."
Part of him felt like that was hard for her to say. Before she hadn't wanted him to take care of her fully, but she was giving him permission to now.
He let out a sigh and kissed her forehead. She was so precious and even though he messed up; she said it was okay. But it wasn't. He was going to make up for it.
"Do you need anything?" he asks. "We can continue to snuggle in the bed or if you need a drink or food, we can get anything you need."
Jaxson didn't know what all he had in his kitchen, but he knew he could find something that would fill her tummy. May not be the best nutrition wise, but something was better than nothing in her stomach right now, if she was hungry.
"Just snuggles," she softly said, laying her head back down on his chest. "I'm not hungry."
Right as she said that, her stomach grumbled, and she went taut in his arms. Someone wasn't hungry but her stomach was definitely disagreeing with her.
"When was the last time you ate?" he asked.
She shrugged her shoulders as much as she could on top of him, not looking him in the eyes. He would chuckle with how cute she was right now, trying to avoid eye contact, but he didn't want to encourage this. She needed to eat since Michael thought she was underweight. He wanted to make sure she was healthy.
"Let's go get food in your stomach," he said as he slowly sat up.
Sofia held onto him, but he didn't mind. He knew she probably still needed to be close to him and he wasn't going to complain.
"I'm okay," she softly said.
"Nope," he replied. "Not going to work. Your stomach grumbled and I have a feeling you haven't eaten since yesterday, which isn't okay. You need food to nourish your body and help you do the things you want to do. If you skip meals, it isn't good and your body is going to start taking what it needs from itself. I won't allow that to happen."