"Daddy," she whimpered as the pressure started to build inside of her.
His other hand moved, his fingers connecting with her clit. Her hips moved as she tried to create more friction. She needed him to go faster.
It was like he knew because his finger started to pump into her faster as his other finger moved in a circular motion.
"Daddy," she moaned.
"Come when you like."
Daddy continued to pump his finger into her, and she felt the pleasure coursing through her body like her blood did. She felt so close.
He pinched her clit, and she found herself screaming as she rode her release.
"Such a good girl," he whispered as he pulled his finger out of her. "Daddy's good girl."
Today was the day Sofia and her Daddy were going to play at the club. Nerves ran through her body as she thought about it. They were sitting in the car about to head into the club.
Tonight was also the night she was going back to her apartment. Daddy wasn't happy about it, but she had said she needed to go back, that she needed to do things around there and needed to go back to work. He didn't like that, but he told her they would talk about this later.
She hoped it wasn't going to be soon, but she had a feeling it was. Daddy didn't know where she lived, and she knew it bothered him. Oliver and Leo had asked her, and she hadn't answered them. Then she slipped up yesterday when Michael came over to check on her. Sofia didn't know if Daddy caught on to that, but she was pretty sure he did.
Nothing got by him.
He had his eyes on her, and he wasn't letting her get away with anything.
"Are you ready?" Daddy asked.
She looked over at him, and he gave her a smile. Was tonight going to be okay? She hadn't really played with other Daddies before, and she didn't want to mess up.
"Sofia," he softly said as he cupped her face in his hands. "Everything's going to be okay. We'll do what you want and if you don't want to continue to play, we can figure something else out."
She nodded her head, but she was still worried. Sofia wanted to go in and be Little with her Daddy.
"You can't mess up," he said as if he could read her mind. "Just be you."
"Easier said than done," she whispered more to herself, but her Daddy heard.
"Talk to me, Little one."
She turned away from him. She wanted to, but she also didn't want him to think she was second guessing going into the club and playing. Because she wanted to, but she was just nervous.
Everyone got nervous, right?
Maybe she should ask Monroe and Charlotte that. They had been coming to BTS for a while now and maybe at some point they felt the same way.
"Sofia," he softly said her name. "Can you look at me?"
She let out a sigh and looked back towards him. She needed to tell him that she was nervous but still wanted to go in.
"Talk to me, please," he said.
"I'm nervous," she whispered. "But I still want to go in and play."