Daddy grabbed her hand and gave it a little squeeze. "Why are you nervous?"

"I work here."

That was part of it.

"Why else?"

"I don't want to mess up," she looked down at her hands as she said that.

It was a real fear that she thought would come true. What was stopping it from coming true?

"Oh Little one," he softly said. "You aren't going to mess up. Can you look at Daddy?"

Sofia felt his hand grip her chin and bring her face up. He smiled at her.

"It's going to be okay," he said. "Just be you and you won't mess up."

She nodded her head and let out a breath. It was still a worry, but she knew she could believe him and that it was going to be okay. It had to be.

"Ready to go inside?" he asked and she nodded her head again. "Wait for Daddy to help you out of the car."

She waited for Daddy to walk around the car and to her side. Sofia was still getting used to the idea of waiting for him to help her out of the car. Not that she needed help, but he wanted to be a gentleman and she liked it. It was weird at first, but she was starting to enjoy it.

She felt taken care of.

"Ready to go in?" he asked.

"Yes, Daddy," she replied.

They started to walk towards the front door and saw Pete standing at the door.

"Hello there, Little miss," Pete said. "I heard what happened the other night. Sorry you got mugged, but we'll find out who did it to you and make them pay."

"Thanks," she whispered but didn't believe that they were going to find the person.

It was a random person so how were they going to find him? She didn't have anything identifying in her purse besides themoney and maybe a little note. There was no way they were going to find this random person.

"I also want to say that I don't like you walking home and thought Jaxson here knew. Now that I know you weren't supposed to, don't expect me to let you do it," Pete said. "That was naughty of you."

She moved on her feet, not liking that she was getting scolded again but also because he sounded disappointed. She hated disappointing people.

"We'll see you later," Daddy said and started to walk into the club.

"Bye Little miss. Have some fun!" Pete called after them.

They continued to walk into the club and heard little squeals coming from Littles running around the room.

"Do you want to color first?" Daddy asked.

Sofia nodded her head, not wanting to talk just yet. She always got overwhelmed with how many people were there when she first walked in, and it took her a couple of minutes to get used to it.

They walked over towards the coloring corner and sat down on the ground. Daddy brought her a coloring book and some markers, setting them down in front of her.

"Thank you," she whispered. "Daddy."

"You're welcome, Little one."

Sofia started to color the cow on the front page a nice purple color.