He held up her sippy cup and some pills in his other hand. “Ready?”

She nodded her head, opened her mouth, and waited for him to put the pills in her mouth.

“Such a good girl,” Daddy said as he held the cup up to her.

She took several sips of water to drown the pills down her throat.

“Yucky,” she said, shaking her head.

“Sorry, Little one. I’ll get some liquid stuff next time.”

Daddy picked her up and walked towards who knows where. She didn't know the house, but she suspected he was bringing her to a room. Exhaustion weighed down on her body as she snuggled up to his embrace.

"No falling asleep on Daddy," he said as he rubbed her back.

"Daddddyyyy," she whined. All she wanted to do was fall asleep in his arms. She was so comfortable and knew it wouldn't take her long to fall asleep or stay asleep.

"No whining. We need to get you ready for bed and then I'll tuck you in."

She let out a sigh and tried to stay awake. It got harder and harder as the seconds went by but right as she was about to, he placed her on the counter.

The cold counter.

"Cold," she said.

"Sorry, Little one. It'll warm up in a second," he replied. "Let's get your teethers brushed and you can go potty."

Her face went red at the mention of going to the bathroom. Hopefully, he wasn't going to be in the bathroom when she went. That would be super embarrassing.

"Open up," he said.

She opened her mouth and let Daddy brush her teeth. Sofia felt so Little and taken care of right now.

"Such a good girl," Daddy whispered. "Spit into the sink."

She spat and he helped her off the counter.

"Go to the bathroom. I'll be out in the room ready to tuck you in," he said.

Sofia quickly did her business before she walked out of the bathroom. Daddy was sitting on the bed, looking absolutely handsome.

"Ready to go to beddy?" he asked.

A gasp fell from her lips as she stared at the empty bed. Her stuffy.

"I can't!" she wailed.

His eyes went wide, and he stood up quickly, walking towards her, and grabbing her hands.

"What's wrong?" he asked. "Does your head hurt? Are you feeling faint? Do you need to puke?"


"What's wrong then? Are you feeling light headed? Do you need to go to the bathroom again? Are you thirsty?"

"I don't have Trixie!"

Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of leaving Trixie in her apartment. She normally brought her to work with her, but she had decided to leave her stuffed animal at her apartment this time. How was she going to sleep without her friend tonight?