Jaxson nodded his head and watched as they left his office. He looked over at Sofia who was still sleeping on the couch. He wanted her to be comfortable and while the couch was comfortable, the crib at his house or his bed were much more comfortable.

He could finish the paperwork later when she was down for a nap at home. With that thought, he closed his computer, packed it away, and slung it over his shoulder before he walked over to her and gently picked her up.

Time to go home.



Sofia slowly started to wake up and felt a gentle pressure on her chest. She gasped, opening her eyes wide as she stared in front of her.

She was in a car.

A car.

Why was she in a car?

She didn’t own a car. Had the guy come back for her and shoved her in a car?

The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch in her Daddy’s office. Had someone taken her from there? Before she could do anything, she heard his voice.

“You’re okay,” he softly said as he grabbed her hand. “Daddy’s here and you’re safe.”

She looked over and found her Daddy sitting in his seat, looking at her with worry. Why were they in a car? What had happened? How long had she been asleep?

So many questions went through her mind as they stared at each other. He had said she was okay, but that didn’t answer any of her other questions. Not that she had asked him, but she didn’t know what was going on.

“Sofia,” he gently said. “Are you with me?”

She nodded her head, but she didn’t know if that was the truth. She felt so out of it and like she couldn’t focus on things. Why did she feel like this? Sofia knew that she had gotten mugged the night before, but that was last night and today was a whole new day.

“Sofia,” he softly said. “It’s going to be okay. Daddy’s here.”

She blinked several times. “W-where a-are we?”

She cringed at how she stuttered, but she couldn’t help it. Sofia was still scared, even though her Daddy was here, and she knew he would take care of her. Something didn’t feel right but she couldn’t place what it was.

“We’re at my house. We just pulled up, and I was about to get out and take you into the house,” he said.

“Why?” she asked.

She wanted to go back to her apartment so she could get some sleep before she went to work the next day. She had already missed today and knew that it was going to bite her in the butt.

“I told you before you went to sleep that I was going to take you home and take care of you. And I meant it,” he said. “I’m going to take care of you for the next several days so you can heal up.”

Sofia didn’t actually think that he was going to do it. She thought he was joking when he initially told her and the brothers, but maybe she shouldn’t have underestimated him. Deep down she should’ve known that he was serious. He’s a Dom after all.

“Now,” he said. “Have you had dinner yet?”

She opened her mouth to tell him she wasn’t hungry, but he raised his eyebrows and she closed her mouth. Sofia didn’t want him to waste food on her. He shouldn’t have to feed her because she didn’t have the money to feed herself. It wasn’t his responsibility. She also didn’t want him to spend any money onher. It was his money and he should save it for something he really wants to do.

He probably didn’t want to feed her or pay for her food. Why would he?

“Don’t you dare think about lying,” he said. “You’re hurt now, but that won’t stop me from keeping track of punishments you’ve earned.”

Her mouth fell open in shock. Was he serious? He had punished her before, but that was when they were at the playdate. They weren’t now.

“I took responsibility for you and that includes punishing you when you’re naughty,” he said. “Just remember that if you’re going to lie because I know when Little girls lie.”